Jan 14, 2007 09:29
Isn't it weird the way some things get to you when others don't? I had a nasty incient in my year 8 class on Friday when one group of kids were using the TV trolley (empty) as a prop in their scene. All very safe and fine until a girl from another group leapt on the trolly and fell off pushing the trolley oever on top of a small boy called Luke. In that split second my life went into slow motion. He let out this awful wail and ran for the door with me after him. When I got to him the blood started gushing out of his head and when I looked closer I could see why (won't go into detail but it was gross) one of his mates was brilliant and held a cloth to his head - mostly so the others could not see the extent of the injury. Obviously he was carted off to hospital and I was left with a class of retching kids! Most of them were really good and one little oik was so lovely he wiped all the blood off the door handle. In contrast one of the girls let rip into the trolley pusher and they had a screaming match.
Luckily I was rescued at the end of the lesson and someone came to cover my last lesson. It was only then that I burst into tears, delayed reaction I suppose. Anyway they sent me home which is school policy.
I have spent all weekend having flash backs of that sodding trolley landing on Luke. It is never the gore with me as I have been doing first aid for years but his scream seems to be going through my head constantly. You feel so resopnsible and I guess I am really. Will see how he is tomorrow, the paramedics were confident he would be ok but I am still dreading school tomorrow.
Ok that's off my chest I will now go and see of the garden is still intact after 3 days of howling gales. The neighbours tree landed on my gate on friday and some of the fences in the neighbourhood have gone skyward - haven't I had enough of that living through the tornado? Obviously not!