So just testing if this works. I found a "Lost" mood theme, compliments of
tiredangel18. It took me quite a bit of time today to get the pictures uploaded to create the theme. It better work.
Maybe I'll give an update since I'm here. I'm 34 weeks 6 days, basically 5 more weeks. I'm still feeling large and uncomfortable. I was thinking of getting Jack to take a picture of my huge belly sometime this week and get the pictures up here. I know I still owe you a picture of the leaves changing color here, but I did get a couple of that. And I should probably give one or two of Luke. He's still as cute as ever and had his second hair cut on Sunday, but I took him to Supercuts and she didn't do such a great job, so I may do it myself next time. I'm turning into my mother more and more, she used to cut our hair when I was young. Thanksgiving will be at my mom's house. My oldest brother and family are in TX so they won't be coming and my other brother hasn't really be heard from in a month and a half, since he moved out of our place, so who knows if he'll be there for turkey day.
I shouldn't mention this because it admits how bad I am, but I opened something from the bank regarding his bank account, it looked official. See I don't know if I mentioned this, but my mom gave him a savings bond that she was saving for him, thinking he could use it for rent to get an apartment, it was $10K+. This thing that he got from the bank that I opened said a check bounced, which means he's gone through the $10K already. Too scary to contemplate, drugs? Maybe that's why he's not contacted us in so long because he's so strung out. I won't mention it to my mom, she'll freak out more than she is already. Its just come to a point where the guy whose 35 years old should be able to take care of himself and the rest of us can only stand by and watch.