moving is not fun...

Dec 31, 2021 10:52

 As much as I'd like to blame our move for the quiet here, obviously it's much more...

So, Seph and I bought a house, closing 2 days before Thanksgiving, and then spent the next month moving everything from old place in Florissant, to new house in Hazelwood MO. Not that far, but ye gods, we had accumulated a lot of stuff (mostly me, but...)

We flew out to PA to visit his family for Christmas (unfortunately, we missed his father, who died on 11 December...)

The downpayment for the house was from Mom's deferred compensation account with the State of Illinois, which I was the beneficiary of when she died in April. We had her memorial service at her church in Goreville in June. I've scattered some of her ashes, still got more to go.

We are in the unpacking phase... and figuring out where to put stuff.
This was originally posted at If you want to comment, feel free to do it where you originally read it.

new house, family

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