Healthy concepts: "big mind" and subpersonalities

Apr 19, 2008 11:11

Lying sick with the flu, I watched Genpo Roshi's "Big Mind" procedure (at, and half-heartedly participated.

It has helped me enormously. I think that the idea of subpersonalities is one of those very useful concepts. It helps me appreciate where a specific emotion comes from, and therefore let it go more easily. I think it also made clear to me that appreciation is more than just acceptance. Using this concept, I find there can be some form of love for the emotion. Like "Ah, now I was being a hurtful child again", and it's fine, because that's just the way the child acts, and there's no evil to it.

At a first glance, I think that's essentially what Big Mind does: It's simply a trick that helps me notice the emotions with less attachment and (therefore) judgment.

xposted: vijeno, buddhists
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