Aug 24, 2005 20:25
It's so weird, lately I've been thinking about Matt's the strangest thing, I know. Now that after all the hurt and anger is gone, this has to come and haunt my thoughts. I've been thinking a lot lately about things, ex: work, chris at work, drama at work, school..ccsn and unlv! but then HE'LL pop into my I wonder what he's doing now, how he is...etc. I think I'd love to just sit and have lunch with him and just catch up...not even mention the past because that's what it is..the past. I don't want to be "with" him again, but damn, I've been lonely for his friendship. It sounds retarded but there was nobody like him and he was good to me most of the time. I laughed a lot with him. I dont know..these are just thoughts...
In other news, work is okay...the drama is subsiding..and if Barbara gets someone to jump me, she's got a big surprise coming to her. EVERYONE at work backs me up so she just needs to get the fuck away from me, thanks..Rachel acts weird and moody but whatever. I love LaLoni, Elisa, Lisa, Colleen, Lana...and of course, how can I forget my Queen B, Randy? Hahaha he is great...and Julie, I love her too. And then of course there's the hot Chris..who wooo I can't get over haha..damn. I had to leave Prince there tonite since this one lady is coming over tomorow and Erik got on my case but wtfever he LOVES me hahaha!
UNLV starts next week..Chem on Mon and Tuesdays...Then the week after CCSN starts...ENG,PHIL AND PSC...funfunfun! I don't like being there...I just feel dumber..nothing against CCSN AT ALL! I just feel like I took a step down and my mom is making me feel even worse about it now...
Things with Vanessa are OK as usual..maybe the always-occuring drama but we get over it. She's a smart girl, but not when it comes to boys...sometimes.
Well I'm going now..and done updating about my life..nothing interesting, oh well!