Jan 31, 2006 06:42
So I've decided to take a new direction in life.
It will take awhile, but that's the point...nothing happens overnight...blahblahblah same ol, same ol..I know, you know. ANYWHO. It's time to let go of negativity, even if it means getting rid of people who I thought I loved and adored. How can I "love" and "adore" someone when they make me dwell on the bad things? How can I think they love and adore me? How am I taking care of myself but letting it happen that way? Who am I kidding but myself? Why should I be on guard when I'm around you...careful not to "upset" you. No, no no. If you're having a bad day...how is that my fault. I only come to you with a smiling face and open thoughts..and I get shit in return. Now, that could be considered my fault...dwelling on the bad, having negative thoughts...THE TRUTH IS, I am a happy person on the outside...but the inside is a mad clockwork of negative thoughts. It shouldn't be that way at all. I'm a great person, I'm hot and I'm awesome...all cocky-ness set aside...I deserve better.
This is the begining of the end of me. Does that make sense? This is the time that when you're a bitch/dick to me, all I will do is shrug my shoulders and walk away. I'm not your punching bag..I'm not here for your convenience. I'm Kristie, I'm VITA. I'm here because I want to be. I will support the ones I love and adore because they love and adore me...not because I want them to.
Things are changing, I can not say that enough. There comes a time and place for everything and this is it. I'll be the first to admit that I hate change...You would think that with all the years of shit happening to me, you'd think I'd be used to it...but I'm not. Deep down inside, I've always wanted to better myself for me. Despite my pessimism, I think I have the most optimism out of all of my friends. I can't help it..I know good comes out of this "dolce vita."
So here it is. The new...it won't appear tonight, tomorow or even next week, but over time, a new Vita will emerge from the old one. Let bygones be bygones, any negativity or usage on your part and you will be dropped, no matter who you are. It's hard to let go, I know. But I have no problem doing that, letting go. Like I said, I couldn't accept it before but now I'm more than willing...