
Nov 19, 2009 16:31

- Go through the first 25 songs on your playlist on shuffle.
- Pick your favourite line from each song (try not to make it one with the title in it).
- Post and let people guess what song the lines come from.
- Cross out the numbers of the songs when someone guesses correctly.

1. Juha Tapio - Sateinen aamu
kuurankukkanen tunnisti
Tavallinen aamu
ja vaikka on meillä paljon menetettävää
minä päätin etten tänään
kaiken sortumista pelkää

2. ja niin paljon on jo niitä
jotka osansa haluaa
vaan kevyt on poika purtesi
ja liian monta mukaan tulijaa

3. They'll point fingers at you
They'll be cruel
But cover up your ears and don't listen
Because you'll know much better than them
Some day

4. Coldplay - Fix You
tanssitunti tunnisti
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

5. Vuosien päästä palaamme tänne
Olet kasvanut ohitseni
Ja me nauramme kaikelle

6. The good old days, the honest man;
The restless heart, the Promised Land
A subtle kiss that no one sees;
A broken wrist and a big trapeze

7. Olen sulkenut muistojen verhon,
Ja aukaissut taas uudestaan.
Sinut vangitsin kuin neitoperhon,
Oksa raapaisee taas ikkunaan,
Ajan suuntaa en saa muuttumaan.

8. My mom had been around the graves of queens
But not at all a sex machine
She liked to keep her body clean, clean
Thought the world to be quite obscene

9. So, don't look for me in confession booth
I'm with my paints, and my pens, and my dry vermouth
Trying to uncover some small truth
With these cards close to my chest

10. Kädessä kultaa ja mirhaa
minä eteesi polvistun
Juudean polkuja kuljin
sinun luoksesi, rakkaani

11. To a place beyond our time
Where the sunlight doesn't warm
And colour bleeds into the night
We may have to increase your dose today

12. Minä taidan
Taidan kaivata sinua
Kertomaan kirjojen juonia
Joita en ole lukenut

13. And how can the world want me to change
They're the ones that stay the same
They don't know me
'Cause I'm not here

14.Pariisin kevät - Meteoriitti
stargazerworld tunnisti
Seitsemän sekuntia aikaa katua sun tekoja
kauheimmat jutut sä voit jättää kertomatta

15. I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you

16. You don't name your boat Titanic II
So why when I see your happy smiling face
Do I always end up singing Little Blue

18. I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

19. Tehosekoitin - Maailma on sun
kuurankukkanen tunnisti
Käy jalkoihin tyly asfaltti
Unet ohuiksi kuluttaa

20. Ja epäonnen sirpaleista peili liimataan.
Se siellä palelee, sinun mykkä kuvasi,
Se todistaja totisena
Kaiken jälleen kerran turhan pantiks toteaa.

21. It's clear from your vacant expression
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking kings and successions
Even you can't be caught unawares

22. ABBA - Our last summer
pihkakersantti tunnisti
You talked of politics, philosophy and I
Smiled like Mona Lisa
We had our chance
It was a fine and true romance

23. Zen Café - Älä tee
stargazerworld tunnisti
Sinä olet sillä tavalla niin viaton
Että uskot aivan kaiken mitä minä sanon
Sinä uskot jos kerron että oot kaunis

24. All my friends were saying that the streets were paved with gold.
I couldn't wait to get there from the stories I'd been told.

25. I am piling up some unread books under my bed
And I really think I'll never read again.
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