Method: HORNS
Who: Anyone who hears the announcement
Where: Airship
When: February 9th
What: Arrival at Byalan Island. See comments, as always, for monster tables.
BYALAN ISLAND We’re landing here on Byalan Island for some errands, which we'll outline once we've touched down good and proper. If you've been talking with the people in Izlude, you might have some errands of your own. If anything’s stayed the same, most likely they will involve gathering items. Most of them will come from the monsters themselves, unless someone back in Izlude hates you enough to make you pick at mushrooms all day long, in which case I only feel some sympathy for you. If you don't have anything, remember that we have our own quest board on board the Sleipnir for your perusing.
Byalan Island, and the underground waterways below are generally a great place to practice your skills. There’s a reason the swordsman guild was originally set up in Izlude, after all. Most kids new to the class cut their eyeteeth, so to speak, here. If you’re wondering how people can breathe underwater, I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person. But don't worry! Our good Captain will be issuing an announcement later about safety gear, so to speak, so don't go haring off before Captain Ramsden has taken to the horns as well, hm?
Anyways, the first two floors are perfectly fine for most of you, but I wouldn’t suggest going further than that. It gets more dangerous from there. Even if you’re like me and don’t really care for superstitions, especially about the mermaid, there’s a reason they exist. Just to make sure you’re okay, though, Kaite will be going down with you. You might be foreigners to our world, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to let you run headlong into danger without at least a warning.
Also if you haven't talked to our dear Kafra, Khepri, about training before,
I would highly suggest doing so before you embark. We at least want you to walk out being able to defend yourself from even the weakest of the monsters down there.