Feb 22, 2011 03:48
Method: Action and/or prose
Who: Signius and whoever decides to stalk him
Where: Izlude; specifically the bridge leading into the city
When: Feb 6th, dusk leading into night
What: Spectres of the past.
[ Much like Ingram had done, Signius slipped from the ship the moment they had reached the destination of Izlude. He hesitated on the deck for a moment before he wandered down into the city, seeming to move as if he'd spent a good deal of time there.
Admittedly he had, though this wasn't his Izlude. These weren't the streets filled with soldiers hunting for a king killer, nor were they the streets that concerned parents chased down a young orphan boy who had stayed out too late in the night. He actually paid very little attention to the locals or the refugees as he walked, as if lost in some sort of trance.
If one followed him, he wound his way across the satellite city to the bridge which connected it over the river to the land beyond. Supposedly a good deal of the refugees were now camped in the field beyond, but he stopped on that stone bridge and stared out at the running water below.
Something was troubling him. If one watched for any matter of time, he may have touched the center of his stomach as he watched the water. No matter the length of time one would watch him, he managed to carry a frown. ]
original: signius dremire,
original: nayan kaur