walking my dogs should not cause a near fatality

Jun 30, 2007 21:31

I took my dogs out for a walk, i-pod in place. Checking for traffic and so forth. Until suddenly, me and my little min pins get attacked,for the thrid time by the neighbors dog. They had them just tied to their stair railing. The tan dog is a nasty bitch.

The first time, the drunk, white trash asshat just let the dogs run out because he thought I was his buddy. I and they got attacked.

The next time, again, his brown dog got loose and came after us.

Tonight as I walked, dogs in one hand, wrm band flashing red on opposite arm, I-pod in, car coming. The dog gets loose and attacks.

None of these times did the wife come to grab her dog. She stood back and yelled at them. I almost got hit, full on by a truck with my two dogs and had both my calves bit and my dogs bite and or killed. FUCK PEOPLE!

This bitch is going down.

Animal control here I come!
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