(no subject)

Oct 05, 2004 10:53

dude yall see that hott chick kissing me in my lj pic?!??!?!!


im updating cuz homecoming was pretty tite and i told that noob of girl down the street that i would.. so heres MY SHAT:

friday was raw... game day was so tite. peprally was okay not like increadable or anything but it was fun nonetheless. DUDE my garter from nikki was raw... it had a freakn elmo on it haha.. and it was THICK. and thats good ;) and a flashy "GO OWLS" light ..phat. so then went home, make sarabeth and moe's gift forthe game , nikki came over for a bit .. then the game.
everyone knows it was raw i dont need to talk about it but it was FUN. and props to all those die hard fans / hardcore band nerds who stuck around or came back.. you guys rock! it was fun, cept i couldnt do pushups cuz of my wrists (ask rusty.. and he will LAUGH at me.. what a beast) but doing the spell out x2 in a wet field was fun. TIITE

THEEEEN went to taco cabana with some bandnerdz0rz... haha about as much fun as u can have with that smell of brass in the air :D so thaaat was fun.. i got home and DIED hard (fell asleep) zz

then saturday... was the dance.. so freakn tite. it was a lot of fun .. probably the most fun ive had a dance so far. u can read everyone eleses lj and that about sums it up.. then afterward to outback with tons of ppl. that was crazy fun as always. got some crazy pics ... and that one of me and nicolle in my lj user pic :D

THEEEEN everyone went back to my house and CHILLED. it was pretty phat.. hangn out playn some pool really... great times.  aftereveryone left... scott pavague (?) came back from dropping off tessa dee and we played some pool.. and i beat him 3/4 times 8D anyone whos played him knOWS thats an accomplishment. so that was RAW.. and he finally left around .. lik 3 AM or sometin haha

sunday.. i sLEPT IN and missed church (my bad Jesus..) but then had the drrty boiz (ie hunter and derke) over for a LAN party haha... so TITE. we played diablo allllllllllll night.... didnt get to bed till reALLY REALLY late but it was TITE

then monday... the guys left anddd went over to nicolles for a bit... then poker ! i lost 5 bucks but it was tite. then uh.... yeah

so all that made for a VERY VERY awesome 4 day weekend... twas an aweosme break from school and i hope u guys all had as much fun as me...


i appoligize for the length and pointlessness of this entry.. but i felt obligatorily obligated ( ;) ) to do this... BYE


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