Feb 24, 2009 12:53
Well, the shit-head GOP is at it again; trying to re-strategize and re-invent themselves. They had tried (in a petty manner) to appeal to the pissed Clinton voters by appointing the Palin bimbo. People saw through this. The face of the Republican Party has long been associated with racism, and we saw that element of their base really make itself known during the McCain-Palin campaign. America at large saw what these shit-head hate mongers are really all about, and decided to vote intelligently for once.
But now, the Republicans are once more trying to re-invent themselves, casting their racist, intolerant image by appointing minorities to leadership positions within their ranks. Case in point, Michael Steele, the Right wing shill. Mr. Steele is the GOP's FIRST African American Chairman.
Wouldn't people see through this? Isn't it ironic that after the neo-cons lost their asses to a minority that they go and appoint one as their chairperson? Isn't that petty and obvious?
What's stranger is how stalwart and rapacious Mr. Steele is in his conservative fervor! He's worse than most of them! It seems to me like a sort of reversal racialism Orwellian Doublethink, where they try to spin the exact opposite of what they really are (racists, bigots, etc) and appoint a minority (female, African American, etc) as their poster child...yet in doing so, that puppet they appoint is even more divisive than their white Anglo counter parts!!! Their agendas are then still served, just this time by a minority.
People, this is a typical Republican Gimmick. Sarah Palin was a gimmick. Michael Steele is a gimmick. They are simply re-wrapping, repackaging the GOP as a group who celebrates diversity; something Dems have celebrated this passed century. They aren't diverse, they're marketers, they care only about money and big business.
And now for the newest, biggest gimmick of them all, the great (brown?) hope: Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who it's been implied will make a run in 2012. Though Jindal, of East Indian Descent has vaguely denied running for Prez in 2012, he has lately been stumping on a national level in his criticisms of President Barack Obama.
I see this, and I say to myself. "oh no! No more early, long campaigns!!!!!"
That last, long treacherous two year (maybe longer?) campign was hell. Not only was it hellish, but BOTH candidates had to throw more money at their campaigns because they spanned such a long time frame.
Obama has barely been Prez for a month, and here is this twerp shill Jindal already posturing, already trying to build a case for a sound bite in a future campaign. I can hear it now:"...I didn't take all of the stimulus money, because I thought it was wreckless spending. I was vocal about it in the beginning."
Mister Jindal, please shut the hell up and govern your very poor state. Why can't you follow Florida Governor Crist's example, and not be so partisan? Why can't these right wing shit heads give our brand new President a chance? He has changed more in the few weeks he's been President than we've ever seen. The numbers from the stimulus may not reflect it yet, but it's so new they won't. Sit back, shut your mouths, and observe. If it fails miserably, then you can speak out on it...but let the goddamn thing fail first, instead of prematurely accusing it of failing.
The right wing is a diseased abscess on this country's backside, and it needs to be popped and drained. We must flush the puss of greed out of the wounds of the United States, and re-write history for the common man, and the poor. We must change the way we do all things, and re-learn how to live more sustainable lives.
-Rick G.-
1:31 PM, MST
barack obama,
bobby jindal