Jan 11, 2009 22:08
my resolution is simplistic, i don't want to sugar coat anything or re-invent the wheel. As misogyinst as it may sound my new year's resolution is to STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY. That's right, i'm tired of not working out for sheer sake that my drinking takes more hold for health reasons. Im tired of of being a sack of potatoes puss who is afraid to do anyhting tough or fight for shit.
People, i have worked outdoors in temperatures as low as low as -30, and as hot as 112 farenheit. I have suffered malnutrition, addiction, et cetera. In rehab, they pummeled this pussy mentality into all of us...scared us-into a messianic, defeatist mindframe.
I came out terrified, horrified that my drinking would surely make everything fatal.
People, my drinking is a helluva problem, but it is not determiner of my validity, it doesn't prohibit anything beyond my choices.
And sometimes it feels good to be fucked up. Some times it is warranted, and while i used to eny those who didn't partake, i now pity them.
My grapple isn't great, i'm a heavy drinker, an alcoholic, but a hard worker, a working souls; and i work dually as hard for myself as i do my employ.
i'm brilaint and sexy, i'm driven and driving. i motivate myself becaus my i create my hemispheres. For me life is awesome and complex, i just wish all the the time were parties.
Such sihit-ass things have had their way these days, but shit tends to be shit...and it's weight heavy.
Shit is shit, and a trodgging affair at best....muddled feces of the us crap.
Hell is happening here for once; these jackoofs who blanketed themselves under our flag are finding scarce accomodations.
We ought to pull iquisition tactis o these anne coutiers of the day.
me= too tired 4 tirades!
Fuck your mom in the booty!