(no subject)

Feb 24, 2005 23:01

It's been a while so let's see if I remember how to do one of these.

Beanie and I have arrived in Minnesota safely. While not a huge part, it's still filming and he seems very excited and nervous. He's kind of bouncing around a bit. It's cute. ;) Oh, I mean, it's like so butch and stuff. *grabs myself and spits*

I also hear that Psuedo-Wifey will be paying us a visit tomorrow! I can't wait - we've got a lot of catching up to do. We will be heading your way soon. You've been warned.

I do have something I'd like to mention. It's not really something I've touched on and because I don't delve into certain areas much here it can lead to some confusion. Or so it would seem. So just to make my point of view on something clear:

Cutting someone out of my life is not something I would do lightly. It takes a hell of a lot for me to get to that point -- but that point can be and has been reached before. It's not something done on a whim or because of a few select things or events, there would have to be many reasons. And certainly lack of trying on my part is never one of them. But every person has to decide for themselves where their limit is. How much they are willing to give or can give and where they draw the line; when enough is enough. I open up myself .. my time .. my life to many different people. This is a personal decision and a professional one as well. Because I like to talk to people, to know people. I like people. And I want to like people. With a profession like ours we are exposed to many people and situations and they may not always be ones we prefer. We may not like all of it but we learn to grin and bear it because it's our job to. However, when it comes to my personal life and dealings .. well, that's a different story.

Happiness, generally, doesn't just fall into your lap. In the rare cases that it does it's wonderful, but most of the time it's something that has to be worked for and worked at. Repeatedly. Happiness seems to be the goal in most people's lives. It is certainly one in mine. But there are people out there who seem to just wallow in their unhappiness, to relish their misery; those who can only seem to feel good when they make everyone around them feel as badly as they do. I have no room in my life for people like this. I do what I can and then I accept the reality of the situation. If I feel that all options have been exhausted, that a sufficient amount of time and effort have been put into something, with no positive result or slightest chance of there ever BEING a positive result, then I can say that enough is enough. That is my limit. And I will curb my time spent with or near that person as much as possible.
To break it down at it's simplest: Reasons for behavior are not the same as an excuse. You can rationalize your shitty behavior/s (and we're talking about the ones that hurt others, just to be as clear as possible here) as much as you'd like but that can only go so far, especially for the same repeated behaviors. And eventually it's not enough to dish out the whys anymore and then all that's left is - that it doesn't matter why you are doing it just stop doing it. And if you can't ..then I don't want anything to do with you. I don't have to accept it or subject myself to it. It's as simple as that.

That concludes the heavy portion of the entry.

In other news have you seen these? Type in any word or have it translate a web page for you, sure to provide hours of entertainment. For rizzle, bitches.

I hope everyone is well. <3
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