Jul 14, 2011 16:09

Citizens of Johto, do any of you speak Pokémon? [ Then he mumbles: ] Or is there a translator somewhere or something...

I kinda need to know, it's for something important. [ At least important to his Pikachu. He thinks that he sounds a bit silly asking such things, but you gotta do what you gotta do. ]

Pikachu pi, pika? [ "Can I eat this, Yuri?" ( Read more... )

cooookiiiiiinnnnng, very random things, getting pulled into things, yuri would make a horrible waiter, ellie's request, this gear belongs to ellie, #ic

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[video] fathersbeloved July 15 2011, 16:12:16 UTC
I've never needed a translator for Darjeeling... He always manages to make me understand what he wants.


[video] vigilantive July 15 2011, 18:48:21 UTC
Weird, huh.

In my case, Ellie thinks everyone can understand him and attempts to talk to other people.


[video] fathersbeloved July 15 2011, 18:52:10 UTC
Hmm... ah! Then maybe the other person's pokémon should listen to the message and tell their trainers! Wouldn't that be easier?


[video] vigilantive July 15 2011, 18:57:43 UTC
Unfortunately from what I've seen, not many trainers really get what their pokemon are trying to say.

Sure, they get an idea... but Ellie literally rambles on and I don't think that they can make the connection that pikachu pi pika pi means prepare for your fate at hand or something that dramatic.


[video] fathersbeloved July 15 2011, 19:06:39 UTC
But... But you can translate Ellie!

[Missing what point now.]


[video] vigilantive July 15 2011, 19:09:20 UTC
I don't translate, I give him dialogue. [ excuses. ]


[video] fathersbeloved July 15 2011, 19:13:50 UTC

I know, I know! You should tell Ellie to explain himself to you, and then you can uhm,... "give him dialogues" over the network. I'm sure Ellie would like that too.


[video] vigilantive July 15 2011, 19:17:34 UTC
That would be amazing if I actually understood what he does most of the time.

[ His Pikachu is absolutely crazy. ]


[video] /runs to work fathersbeloved July 15 2011, 19:20:30 UTC
[Her face falls a bit, but frowns again, thoughtful. She's still thinking in a way to help this man.]

How can it be done...


[video] /CHEERS ON vigilantive July 15 2011, 19:22:09 UTC
Maybe some therapy will make him less crazy and more coherent. [ He's kidding, but it's a just a thought. ]


[video] OKAY I LIED NOW I'M REALLY GONE. fathersbeloved July 15 2011, 19:31:18 UTC
...what is "therapy"?


[video] /STILL... CHEERS ON THEN vigilantive July 15 2011, 19:37:59 UTC
... You seriously don't know what's therapy?


[video] fathersbeloved July 16 2011, 03:56:38 UTC
I do not. Should I...?


[video] vigilantive July 16 2011, 04:05:13 UTC
Well, I think it'd be a common practice anywhere...

It's like a massage for the mind or something. [ this is his description. ]


[video] fathersbeloved July 16 2011, 04:10:26 UTC
A massage...? [Worried frown, chews her lower lip...] I... I'm afraid I still do not understand. Why would you massage Ellie's mind...?


[video] vigilantive July 16 2011, 18:09:12 UTC
Think of it as calming him down. [ He... is slightly unsure how to take this. ]


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