Jul 14, 2011 16:09

Citizens of Johto, do any of you speak Pokémon? [ Then he mumbles: ] Or is there a translator somewhere or something...

I kinda need to know, it's for something important. [ At least important to his Pikachu. He thinks that he sounds a bit silly asking such things, but you gotta do what you gotta do. ]

Pikachu pi, pika? [ "Can I eat this, Yuri?" ( Read more... )

cooookiiiiiinnnnng, very random things, getting pulled into things, yuri would make a horrible waiter, ellie's request, this gear belongs to ellie, #ic

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video; oh hey bb, you called? lonesummoner July 15 2011, 02:21:58 UTC
[ Just chilling outside the Sprout Tower because he needs to train his Pokemon. Oh, hey, this dings to him. ]

Why do you need a translator?


video; we're not robbing a bank vigilantive July 15 2011, 18:13:28 UTC
It's for a little project that my Pikachu wants to do.

Nothing too big. [ That's what he thinks at least. ]


video; dammit HOW DID YOU FIGURE ME OUT lonesummoner July 15 2011, 18:40:57 UTC
[ A pause. ]

May I see your Pikachu?


video; IT'S NOT THAT HARD vigilantive July 15 2011, 18:54:39 UTC
Sure. [ Wow, Raidou, way to make Yuri walk around everywhere... But back to the kitchen and the Pikachu is still watching the timer with all his might. ]

Ellie, someone wants to see you.

Pikaaa? [ "A caller?" TURNS AROUND AND BEAMS. ]


video; I'M A GIRL OF MYSTERY-- copyrighted and trademarked lonesummoner July 15 2011, 19:13:24 UTC
[ This is still a bit awkward talking to Pokemon over the gear as usual, but might as well. Let's see if he can still speak to Pikachus. ]

What project do you want to do?


video; YOU MEAN AN OPEN BOOK... you didn't see that vigilantive July 15 2011, 19:15:45 UTC
Pikachu pi pika pi, kaaa? [ "Yuri didn't tell you, sir?"

Be right back, Pikachu is hogging up the screen. ]


video; ...it's in my inbox. i am never deleting your fail lonesummoner July 15 2011, 19:24:53 UTC
[ He shakes his head. He stays quiet to encourage the Pikachu to go on. Let Raidou continue to understand you, young one... ]


video; yeah, ichi, i play jade vigilantive July 15 2011, 19:31:42 UTC
Pi'ka pika-pika chu pi pika piii chu piii pikapi pikachu pi kaa-pika-pi pii chuuuu pi piika kachu pika-chu ka kaaa! [ "We're planning to do some kind of show that will include my fellow brethren and their friends to enlighten the hearts of Johto about our endeavors in the great scheme of life!"

This Pikachu looks at him straight in the eyes, as serious as talking about the apocalypse. ]


video; OH SHUT UP IT WAS FIVE IN THE MORNING GDI lonesummoner July 15 2011, 21:22:53 UTC
Sounds big.

[ And at this point, a Murkrow looks over at the gear, nicely perched on Raidou's shoulder. It crows away: ]

[ "'Enlighten the hearts of Johto'? Kids these days. You shouldn't waste your time with this, Raidou." ]


video; instead of sleeping, you further embarrassed yourself vigilantive July 15 2011, 23:36:56 UTC
Pikachu pi pika pi pikachu! Kachu pi, pika-pii, pika ka'pi-i pikachu pi. [ "It is a great task at hand! But, nevertheless, it is your choice." ]

Yeah, you don't have to if you don't want to.


video; yeah, and i'm 5'w lonesummoner July 16 2011, 01:34:54 UTC
[ Uh-huh, right, it's a good task at-- wait a minute, did that trainer of the Pikachu just... Murkrow, take it away and speak for Raidou as usual: ]

[ "Wait a minute, you can understand me too?" ]


video; that was an itouch thing, thinking i play jade is TOTALLY DIFFERENT vigilantive July 16 2011, 01:38:54 UTC
[ The Pikachu zooms out to show Yuri just grinning at the Mukrow, not answering.

It's all up to youuuu. ]

Pikachu pi pika? [ "Are you talking to him?" ]


video; how about that "in my mom" thing then? lonesummoner July 16 2011, 02:03:43 UTC
[ Ohhhh, mysterious. Well, Raidou's going to stay quiet about this, since his Murkrow can do all the talking. Feels just like home, with Gouto. ]

[ "Yeah, your trainer. Not the kind to beat one's gums, it looks like." ]


video; that was dyslexia vigilantive July 16 2011, 02:07:49 UTC
Your bird sure talks like an old man.

Pikachu pi pika... [ "I sometimes wonder, too..." ]


video; ..."in my mom" is more like a really bad typo lonesummoner July 16 2011, 02:27:28 UTC
[ Raidou nods. ]

He's pretty old.

[ "Thanks, kid. Glad to see that you're sticking up for me, but you there." It flaps a wing towards Yuri on the screen. "Level with me, why do you need another translator? You seem good enough to handle your Pikachu and his shenanigans." ]


video; it was because one of my other conversations were talking about mothers vigilantive July 16 2011, 02:34:05 UTC
Does that explain why he thinks other people understand him? [ He gives the bird an unsure expression. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, MURKROW. ]

Pika pi pikachu pi pika. [ "Yuri likes to evade this topic a lot." ]


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