My friends, I have returned! I actually got back from NOLA late on Friday night, but I've been laying low and recuperating. I hesitate to use the phrase "life-changing," but the experience was incredible and has given me a lot to think about. I'll write about the trip in more detail as soon as I receive copies of the pictures another member of my build team took.
In the meantime, I want to share scans from The Life and Times of Savior 28, the new series by J.M. DeMatties. I read issue #1 of Savior 28 before I left, but the themes of the story resonated more with me during and after the trip. I met a seminary drop-out and radical Christian who serves as the youth pastor at a local church and the things we talked about made me think about pacifism, among many other things. It made me wonder if I should be more uncomfortable with the fact that my preferred form of entertainment, with a few exceptions, seems to say "Hey! Most problems can be solved by punching the right bad guys!"
DeMatteis was having a similar quandary. Savior 28 began as a Captain America story, but back in the '80s, you weren't allowed to kill Captain America. How things change, eh? Anyway, DeMatties tabled the story, perhaps for the best, because I think Savior 28 will be something amazing. I will warn you, though: it's heartbreaking.
Remember reading Ex Machina for the first time? Remember how you gasped at the image of the Great Machine saving the Second Tower? This...this is the dark side of that idea. It's no spoiler that Savior 28 dies on the first few pages of the comic. It's how he got to that point that's important.
Oh, and the narrator is Savior 28's ex-sidekick, now middle-aged, in case you were wondering.