Interview Meme!

Feb 08, 2007 04:45

Taken from: jen_in_japan

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. Where does the name "Vigilante Wake" come from?

When I broke up with my boyfriend Matt, I wanted to get a new lj and email address under a new screen name so that he couldn't contact and/or stalk me over the internet. I was just starting to get really in to comic books at the time and had been thinking about what I would be like as a super hero. I came up with Wake. My power was that I had a super-logical subconscious that would solve mysteries after I had observed all of the clues in waking life. The answers to the mysteries would come to me in dreams.

I decided to use Wake as my handle. Unfortunately, lj said that someone already had the user name "Wake". So, I threw "vigilante" in front of it because that's what she is.

I avoided this problem in the future by deciding not to tell any new significant others my screen name.

2. What happened to the "Justice Camp" AU you started on for W_F?

It has not actually been started yet! I am so lazy...

It was inspired by sasha_anu's "5 people who never topped Clark" list. While the first four items were of a sexual nature, the last one was Superman and Green Arrow arguing over who would get the top bunk. This immediately reminded me of the Girl Scout camp I went to as a kid. For some reason, the idea of the JLA at summer camp struck me as hilarious.

I actually have two different scenarios for this story.

1. A funny one-shot about the Justice League going to a team-building workshop at a camp. Bruce and Clark end up realizing their true feeling for one another.

2. A much longer AU where millionaire Bruce Wayne opens a summer camp called "Camp Justice" for kids who have been victims of violent crime (kind of like Paul Newman). However, he may have an ulterior motive for opening the camp. Investigative reporter Clark Kent decides to go under cover as a camp counselor to find out. At the beginning of the story, Clark is dating Lex Luthor and they have a son named Conner. Lois is Conner's mom.

The rest of the camp's staff is made up of other familiar characters. Ollie is the archery instructor, Arthur Curry is the lifeguard, etc. The Green Lanterns are forest rangers. Also, there is a Girl Scout camp across the lake. The head counselor at the Scout camp is Diana Prince. The Girl Scouts regularly pwn the Justice Campers at inter-camp contests.

Meanwhile, it turns out that Bruce did start the camp for a purpose besides pure charity. He's secretly investigating the unsolved murder of several campers who were killed years earlier at the camp whose site Camp Justice was built on (obviously, the original camp was closed after the deaths). Clark finds out about the investigation and agrees to help Bruce. Of course, the two end up falling in love.

I really need to write these someday.

3. What's your current favorite DC title?

Oh man. That's a hard one. As far as the actual DC imprint, I'd have to say Blue Beetle because it's the most consistently well-written book I'm buying right now. It's so different from any of the other super hero titles. On Wildstorm, my favorite is Ex Machina and my favorite (and only) current Vertigo title is Hellblazer.

4. How did you end up going to OU?

Sit down. This is a long story...

My first choice college was Oberlin, but I didn't get in. I ended up going to Indiana University right out of high school. I was there for a year and I did not do very well. My dad had been diagnosed with terminal cancer right before I graduated high school, so I probably shouldn't have gone someplace so far away. I decided not to go back the next year.

Instead, I went to OU-Chillicothe, the community college in my home-town that was also a branch of OU. I was there for a year while I was living at home to help take care of my dad.

My dad died that summer, but I decided to go ahead and go off to OU's main campus in Athens anyway. I felt like had run out of classes to take at OU-C and I didn't want to go through the hassle of transferring to another university. Unfortunately, I think it was a mistake for me to move away again so soon. I'm not doing so well here either.

5. What's the most important thing in your life right now?

Trying to figure out what exactly is preventing me from doing well in school. I know I am intelligent enough to do the work, but I can't pass my classes. My grades were really good while I was at OU-C, but I didn't do well here or at Indiana. Is it because I'm lazy and have a poor work ethic? Is it because I have generalized anxiety disorder and am scared to leave my room sometimes? Is it because I'm too depressed to get up in the morning sometimes? Am I still grieving to the point that I'm unable to function? Could I be suffering some sort of post-traumatic stress syndrome? Because my dad's illness was very stressful. The last few months of his life were...indescripable. It was so horrible. We decided to do hospice care, so he was home and I was there for everything. I still haven't told anyone the details about everything that happened leading up to his death. I don't want to because I don't like to think about it and I don't want to dump that on anyone else, but maybe I need to. I don't know. I just know that I can't function properly yet.

And I'm still really angry. I'm angry at the doctor who told us that my dad would have a peaceful death. Because he didn't. I'm angry at my parents for deciding to stop treatment, even though there was really nothing else they could do. I'm angry at my best friend for being out of the country when my dad died and I needed her. I'm angry at my ex-boyfriend for being an immature jerk through the whole thing.

And those are all stupid, irrational reasons to be angry. I know that. But I can't let it go.

comics, real life, interview, fan fic, meme

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