Everybody Scream!

Oct 27, 2006 17:52

I listened to the soundtrack of The Nightmare Before Christmas for a couple of hours last night while I wrote a paper. I think it may have made the paper take longer, though. I was like "'Cause I'm the OOGIE BOOGIE MAN! oh yeah Othello...". By the way, Marilyn Manson's version of This is Halloween totally pwns Panic! At the Disco's. Is it just me, or is Panic! At the Disco a really Stupid! name for a band?

Right now, I'm all dressed up with no where to go. I'm waiting for Natalie or Lindsay to call me back.

They're showing Night of the Living Dead at midnight tonight at the Athena. By hook or by crook, I'll be there.

Mmm. Orange juice is good.


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