I haven't been to many classes this week, for a lot of reasons. I was chronically sick earlier in the week, I ran out of petrol and was broke, I kept forgetting which day it is, and I think i'm falling off the rails. I have far too many things going on in my life and my head right now, so much stress and responsibility people are putting on me on top of my studies (which alone should be enough), and I'm starting to crack. Fortunately I don't have a girlfriend, as I probably would have killed one of us by now. Maybe if I did she could help, but who am I to ponder unrealistic cicumstances. I'm digging myself into a hole, and it's getting pretty deep, I don't know if I can make it back out. I feel that if one more thing goes wrong, I will fall and never get up. At least I can find comfort in David Letterman.
I've conceded that I will stop going out for the next two months, unless it is an extreme social emergency, like the case of my birthday, which coincidentally is in two weeks. Would anyone party with me? Any maybe buy me depressants aka alcohol to help me forget my woes?