Fic: Controlled 44/45

Dec 28, 2006 22:51

Title: Controlled (44/45)
Author: Viktoria Angelique
Rating: NC-17 for series and for this part
Pairing: Elijah/Viggo
Warnings: BDSM
Disclaimer: If this were true the world might be a better place.
Feedback: I love it!
Summary: One last scene.

Previous Chapters

The day before New Year's Eve, Viggo noticed that Elijah was particularly restless. The unpacking was done, and Viggo had spent the morning developing some photographs from New Zealand, but Elijah was just plain bored. He kept trying to do things, going from one to the other to the next but never settling on one activity. By lunchtime, Viggo decided that enough was enough, and cornered Elijah on his way out of the bathroom after they'd eaten.

"Come with me," he said in a low, demanding tone that brokered no argument. Elijah shivered, but he also relaxed, settling visibly as he nodded and fell into step behind Viggo on the way to the bedroom.

"Kneel," Viggo ordered, pointing to a spot on the floor near the foot of the bed but not bothering to check and make sure Elijah was obeying, instead moving to the closet and reaching for some things on a high shelf. Elijah gulped and sank to his knees immediately on the carpet, threading his hands behind his back, his eyes on the floor.

When Viggo returned, he tipped Elijah's chin up with his hand, and showed him the coil of white cotton rope and the simple strips of black cloth-gag and blindfold, Elijah realised with a furious blush. He nodded, showing Viggo that he understood, and his back arched slightly, pelvis tilting forward in anticipation. They hadn't done much of a real scene in a while, and this showed signs of being something heavier than usual. But Elijah was ready.

"Are you comfortable?" Viggo asked, and Elijah nodded quickly.

"Yes, Sir," he murmured. Viggo paused a moment, both of them remembering the last time he had used an epithet-the time Viggo had gone too far-but then Viggo nodded, and Elijah knew it was okay. He held his breath as Viggo pulled his shirt over his head and then, when Elijah's arms were again behind his back, slowly began to tie the ropes in a precise pattern, forming diamonds across Elijah's chest and securing Elijah's forearms tightly together. The ropes didn't go around his neck at all, but Viggo passed a single finger over Elijah's collar, pressing gently, and Elijah knew what he was meant to remember. Viggo's fantasy came back in a blur of memory-"I’d go to my knees in front of you and suck you off like that, so beautiful and bound, and then I’d take photos of you, your eyes all wild and desperate…"

Elijah moaned.

"Up on the bed," Viggo murmured, helping Elijah to stand and then crawl onto the bed without the use of his hands. When he was steady, Viggo shoved him forward, a little harder than necessary, onto his stomach. He reached around quickly, passing one of the pieces of cloth in front of Elijah's eyes, tying it securely, and then knotted the other piece around his mouth, urging Elijah to bite down. "This is your safe signal," he said clearly, placing his keys in Elijah's hand and curling his fingers around them. "If you need out, you shake them hard or throw them, and I'll stop. "Understand?" Elijah nodded. "Good."

And then, Viggo turned Elijah's head to the left, pushing a pillow under it, and Elijah found himself breathing hard through his nose as Viggo shoved a knee between his thighs, spreading them wide, and then rocked said knee gently against Elijah's cock and balls through the denim of his jeans until he was moaning desperately.

"Good little Elijah," Viggo murmured, trailing his hands down Elijah's arms and over the ropes. "My sweet little Elijah…"

And then he was gone from the bed, and Elijah waited what felt like five minutes but was probably only one two before whimpering through the cloth gag, uncertain.

"I'm here, baby," Viggo spoke clearly from a few feet away, and then Elijah settled down, trying not to rub against the mattress, as much as he wanted to. His arms became sore after a while, and the gag wet with saliva, but still his erection did not subside, as he wondered what Viggo was doing exactly. Just watching? His cock twitched at the idea, and he moaned in spite of himself. "It's okay," Viggo murmured, again in that soft, soothing tone that was somehow firm at the same time. "You're a good boy, and I'll reward you soon." Elijah whimpered and then went still, and when it felt like thirty or forty minutes had passed, Viggo's weight was finally on the bed again, and Elijah sighed from relief.

"My gorgeous boy," Viggo murmured, bending down to trace the rope-free portions of Elijah's back with his tongue as Elijah began to moan again. "My sweet, gorgeous, sexy boy… all for me." Elijah moaned and nodded and tried to press up, but Viggo pulled away. "Uh uh," he cautioned. "Not yet." Elijah sighed and settled, and then felt himself being tugged upward, struggling to get his knees under him. Once he was kneeling, Viggo again pushed his knees apart, and reached around from behind to palm his cock, still leaving Elijah's jeans where they were.

"Beautiful boy. You want to do what I tell you to, don’t you?" Elijah nodded frantically, and didn't see Viggo's smile as he pressed a kiss to Elijah's jaw. "You want to beg for me?" Elijah nodded again, his body practically vibrating with the effort of staying still. "You want to hurt for me?" He paused then, barely touching Elijah, and Elijah gasped, his nod this time coming slower but still there. Anything, he wanted to moan, but of course he couldn’t.

"Good boy."

Viggo's hands went to Elijah's belt, then, working the buckle open, sliding the belt from its loops and setting it aside. He undid Elijah's jeans quickly, and shoved them down, but he left them at knee level, dragging Elijah's body forward without altering his position. He took the keys then and looped the ring around Elijah's thumb before lifting Elijah's arms and spreading them wide so that his palms ended up flat on the wall just above the ornate headboard of their bed, bracing him at a slight angle, not entirely comfortable.

"Drop the keys now if you need to," Viggo explained softly, and Elijah nodded in understanding before Viggo went back to what he was doing.

Elijah was silent-had to be-as Viggo used more of that soft cotton rope to bind his wrists to the whorls in the headboard below them, and then pushed gently on Elijah's back to test his position. When he was satisfied, Elijah barely had a moment to anticipate before he felt the distinctive crack of stiff leather on his arse.

"Mmmph!" The yell was almost completely muffled by the makeshift gag, just a knot of cloth in his mouth but still enough to prevent any coherent sound. Viggo smiled and struck him again, three times, left right left.

Elijah whimpered and hummed, his arms straining. His cock was jutting out from his body and leaking, surely Viggo could see this. His arse stung and his shoulders were sore, but his mind was slowly settling, a happy fog closing in around the edges as he focused and re-focused.


After twenty smacks, Viggo finally stopped, and doubled the belt over, and laid it on the bed. Then he divided the halves of Elijah's arse with his palms and bent over, trailing his tongue up the groove almost inquisitively. Elijah whimpered loudly around his gag, and Viggo could see the tension in his thighs from trying not to push back.

"Good," he whispered, his lips brushing the very thin, downy hair around Elijah's arsehole, before he plunged his tongue in, wrenching an honest-to-God squeal from Elijah, who lost his hold on the wall and dropped a little, grasping at the headboard as he sagged slightly, momentarily disoriented. "Hold," Viggo commanded, tone firm, and he waited until Elijah's hands were firmly curved around the top of the headboard before he returned to his task, his tongue slowly wriggling its way inside. As the muscles began to loosen, Viggo fucked Elijah with his tongue in earnest for a few strokes, enjoying the quiver of the boy's body, and then pulled away abruptly, delivering a sharp smack to one cheek.

"Stay," Viggo demanded, and Elijah could faintly hear what sounded like clothing being removed before Viggo's warm weight was behind him again, naked now, pressing up against him. "Now tell me what you want," Viggo growled as he quickly undid one of the knots at the back of Elijah's head and ripped the gag away, dragging the head of his cock up and down between Elijah's arse cheeks as he did so, refusing to penetrate.

"Please!" Elijah gasped, trying to think of the right words, not to surrender entirely to the haze of being so close to getting what he wanted. "Please, baby… Sir… fuck me, I need you to fuck me…"

"Why?" Viggo asked, casually, still just stroking himself against Elijah's arse, not giving him the satisfaction of entry.

The question threw him, briefly, and he had to wrap his head around it before he could answer. "I… because I need you. Because I'm yours, to do what you want with, and… because I want to hear you come, Sir, want to feel your cock inside me, want to feel that little twitch when you come, the way your come trickles out of my ass afterwards. Makes me feel used, Sir, owned… it's nice," he admitted in a murmur, and Viggo grinned before shoving fully inside, his chin on Elijah's shoulder.

"Well then that's what you'll have."

"Fuck!" Elijah cursed, dropping his head and making a concentrated effort to open up. "Yes…"

"Good boy," Viggo murmured, soothing, nipping at Elijah's ear and reaching underneath to stroke his nipples between diamonds of rope. "Let me…"

"Oh God, please, please, Christ, so good…" Elijah mumbled, wishing he could see Viggo's face but at the same time glad he had this opportunity to feel without embarrassment or humiliation. "Touch me, please Sir, please touch me…"

"No," Viggo replied sharply, pulling back and then slamming in again so hard that Elijah thought he literally could see stars. "You'll come without being touched, boy," he growled, his voice directly in Elijah's ear making the younger man cry out. "You'll come when I tell you to," he warned, and Elijah gasped.

"Yes, yes… please!"

"Not yet," Viggo murmured, his voice low and sultry, his hips rocking in a gentler motion now but still stimulating Elijah's prostate with every movement. "Hold on for me, now, Elijah. Hold on…"

Elijah felt the man's body tense above him, and he waited… waited…


Elijah screamed when he came, knuckles white against the headboard, his body shaking and back bowing as Viggo kept going, relentless, holding Elijah up now with one arm looped underneath him as he dipped his fingers in the fluid coating Elijah's stomach and then reached up, tweaking a nipple, Elijah's little gasping cry triggering his own orgasm.

Later, when Elijah lay spent in the bed as Viggo carefully undid all his knots, he asked what Viggo had been doing all that time, making him wait. Viggo just smiled in his cryptic way, and walked over to the side of the bed, and held up a sketchpad, the image of Elijah bound and gagged and desperate immortalised in charcoal.

"Shall I show you my etchings?" Viggo purred, teasingly, and Elijah convulsed with laughter.

"Come to bed, old man."

"Yes, Sir," Viggo replied with a lopsided grin and a firm salute. Elijah just giggled and pushed the blankets aside.
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