Fic: Controlled 41/45

Dec 21, 2006 17:26

Title: Controlled (41/45)
Author: Viktoria Angelique
Rating: NC-17 for series, PG-13 for this part
Pairing: Elijah/Viggo
Warnings: BDSM, very small bit of violence
Disclaimer: If this were true the world might be a better place.
Feedback: I love it!
Summary: Filming ends with one last party. Note: I realised after I wrote this that the real wrap party was a big fucking deal, not just a shindig at someone's house, so for my purposes just pretend there was a private party as well for the principal cast and crew.
A/N: Because of a little glitch in the posting schedule earlier, for Christmas you're going to get two chapters. Consider it my present to all you lovely people for reading and commenting :-D

Previous Chapters

“God, man, can you believe it’s all fucking over?” Elijah asked, gesturing wildly with his beer. He was standing in a corner of the house with Billy, both more than a little pissed and on the way to being a lot more so. Dom was standing on a makeshift stage with his somewhat makeshift band, and the rest of the cast and crew was standing around and enjoying the drinks and company. Viggo had disappeared at some point, but Elijah wasn’t too concerned.

“I guess it’s back to life as usual for me, then,” Billy shouted over the music.

“Back to Glasgow?”

“Yeah. Maybe more theatre, I guess. Doesn’t really matter, I’m sure there will be something.”

“Sounds good. You going to come visit us anytime soon?”

“Get me a plane ticket, mate, and I’ll be happy to come see you.”

Elijah rolled his eyes. “Sure thing.”

“Hey, mates! Get your arses over here!” Elijah and Billy turned to the stage to see Dom waving them forward, with Sean already standing next to him.

“Hey, what’s up?” Elijah asked as they hopped on stage with the other two.

“Come on, one song, the four of us. The hobbits’ last hurrah!”

“Uh, Dommeh? We don’t know any songs,” Billy pointed out.

“C’mon. I’m sure there’s something we all four know!” Dom insisted. “Beatles or something…”

“How about ‘Brown Eyed Girl?’” Sean suggested. “That’s a classic!”

“Too overtly heterosexual,” Dom argued. “How about ‘Hey Jude?’”

“Too mopey,” Billy pointed out. “Bohemian Rhapsody?”

“Now there’s a classic!” Sean agreed. “Think we can do it?”

“Sure,” Elijah agreed.

“Yeah, the band’s gotta know that one,” Dom added. “Let me just let them know.”

And so that was how, as their last public drunken act as a foursome, the hobbits came to sing “Bohemian Rhapsody” in front of all their friends and coworkers.

At some point, as Dom and Billy were hopping and down in front of each other yelling “Galileo, Galileo!” Elijah jumped off the stage and found Viggo, standing in a corner with Pete.

“Hey, PJ! Why didn’t you come up there? Fifth hobbit, man!”

“I don’t even know the words to Bohemian Rhapsody,” Pete admitted.

“I thought everyone knew that song, whether they wanted to or not,” Viggo joked.

“Chalk it up to great contributions of the eighties.”

“Of which you are my favourite,” Viggo added, pinching Elijah’s arse where no one else could see. “So, when are the fireworks?”

“At eleven, I think. Have either of you seen my lovely wife? I lost her about half an hour ago,” Pete asked.

“Nope, sorry man. But there was a little female huddle in the kitchen a few minutes ago. Could’ve been in there,” Elijah suggested.

“Okay, thanks. Catch you gentlemen later.”

“See ya, Pete. So, that was amusing,” Viggo commented as Pete walked away, nodding at the stage. “You guys should take it on the road.”

Elijah rolled his eyes and took a sip of Viggo’s beer. “I think I won’t quit my day job.”

“Hey! Get your own!”

“I don’t wanna. What are you going to do about it?” Elijah asked with a cocky smirk, tilting his hips forward.

Viggo grinned and then growled, backing Elijah into a convenient wall between a couple of bookshelves. “Three guesses.” His teeth grazed the tendon in Elijah’s neck, and Elijah shuddered.

“Fuck, Vig,” Elijah gasped.

“Behave yourself, little one. We’re in public,” Viggo warned with a mischievous smile.

“You going to put that thing away, then?” Elijah nodded towards Viggo’s crotch, and the other man just kept smiling.

“No.” Viggo ground his hips into Elijah’s, then backed away with a little pinch to Elijah’s arse. Elijah groaned as Viggo stepped away, then turned to Karl with a smile, signalling with his beer.

“Karl, how’s it going?” Elijah just stared, then suddenly the wheels clicked into place. Still, despite his display, Viggo didn’t speak for Elijah. Elijah smiled.

“Nice to see you, Karl.” Elijah made a point of pushing off the wall slowly, cocking his hips, his erection displayed proudly. Slinking up next to Viggo, he made a point of reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, pushing the collar of his shirt aside to display the black velvet collar underneath.

“You guys looked good up there.”

“Thanks.” Elijah noted how Viggo’s thumb tucked casually in Elijah’s back pocket, but the gesture wasn’t possessive, wasn’t for Karl. It was for Elijah. Elijah just smiled.

“So, I heard you two took a break.” Karl smirked, and Elijah readied himself to hold Viggo off in case of a fight, but Viggo just nodded.

“That’s right, Karl. And now we’re back together,” Viggo agreed.

“I can see that. And how’s that working out for you?” Karl boldly asked.

“Perfectly,” Elijah replied with a sickeningly sweet smile. And then he took a step forwards, away from Viggo, his lips tilted up towards Karl’s ear. “In fact, we’re doing just wonderfully now, Karl.” Karl took in a breath as Elijah’s hand settled on his bicep, slowly tracing downwards. “I let you touch this one time, without permission,” he whispered, silkily, guiding Karl’s hand to his collar, pressing his fingers against the leather. “I didn’t get a chance to react.” Karl stared at him, obviously confused, before Elijah pulled back, snarling, still holding Karl’s hand tightly to his neck. “Well excuse me, but I’d like to take my fucking chance.”

The sound of flesh on flesh was sickening as Karl’s head flew back, the back of Elijah’s hand followed through by ragged fingernails, swiping a shallow cut across Karl’s cheek. Viggo just stared, and Elijah nodded, looking triumphant.

Karl jumped as Elijah leaned forward again, taking him by the shirt collar and hauling him close. If Elijah’s eyes weren’t so serious, the height difference between the two actors would have been humorous, but as it was Elijah’s expression was deadly. “If you ever so much as think about touching me again, I will sic Viggo on you so fast it’ll make your head spin,” Elijah growled. “Oh, and Karl?” he added as an afterthought as he dropped Karl’s shirt and took a step back into Viggo’s waiting arms. “You might want to buy a dictionary.”

“What the fuck?”

Elijah smirked, and pulled Viggo’s arms tighter around his waist. “Domination without consent? That’s called abuse.” Karl just stared as Elijah turned to Viggo, smiled, and accepted a kiss that conveyed the older man’s happiness and pride. “Have a nice night, Karl.”

As they left the room, Viggo’s arm tightened around Elijah’s waist and he leaned down slightly to whisper in Elijah’s ear. “So it’s over?”

“Yeah.” Elijah grinned and pulled Viggo backwards by the collar into an empty closet, reaching around to tug the door shut. “I think I’ll stay with you for the rest of my life, just to piss him off.”

Viggo laughed, gleefully, and then sank to his knees, showing Elijah his gratitude in the best way he knew how. And for the rest of the night, Elijah didn’t think about Karl Urban even once.
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