Fic: Controlled 38/45

Dec 11, 2006 15:10

Title: Controlled (38/45)
Author: Viktoria Angelique
Rating: NC-17 for series, PG-13 for this part
Pairing: Elijah/Viggo, Dom/Daisy, Orli/Marton
Warnings: BDSM overall, none this part
Disclaimer: If this were true the world might be a better place.
Feedback: I love it!
Summary: Elijah throws a birthday party for Viggo, and everyone is happy to see them back together again.

Previous Chapters

“Hey ‘Lijah, toss me a beer, will you?”

“Sure thing!” Elijah dug around in the cooler for a can of lager and brought it over to Dom, who was sitting on the beach between Dave’s legs, a couple of burgers on a plate next to them.

“You look happy, Elwood.”

Elijah grinned at Dom’s comment, plopping down next to the couple. “That’s because I am happy! Great friends, great country, great boyfriend with a great arse…” Elijah wiggled his eyebrows in the direction of the pier, where Viggo was fishing with Bernard and Ian, their backs turned to the beach.

Dave laughed and shook his head. “Good thing. We’re thrilled that you and Vig worked things out… Dom told me he was a pretty big wreck on Te Anau.”

“Yeah?” Elijah leaned back on his hands, getting comfy. He and Viggo had been reconciled for three weeks now, and so far their new plans for communication were working quite nicely, yet he hadn’t heard from anyone else what Viggo was like during that two-week break.

“Yeah, he was bloody barmy, mate,” Dom agreed. “Wouldn’t talk to anyone, all sulky and going straight back to the hotel after work. Couldn’t convince the man to come out and have a drink, but he was running up quite a bar tab with room service.”

Elijah frowned, never liking to hear about his lover being self-destructive, but then he supposed he had little room to complain there, given his own habits.

“Dom was about ready to fly Vig to Wellington himself and force the two of you to talk to each other,” Dave explained. “I think he would’ve if shooting hadn’t ended down there when it did.”

“Yeah… we just needed time to think about things. But we’ve talked it all out and it’s good now,” Elijah explained.

“Well thank God for that,” Dom said with a smile, raising his beer can to Elijah. “You two nutters are made for each other.”

Elijah rolled his eyes expansively. “And the two of you? No troubles in paradise?”

“No, everything’s brilliant,” Dom agreed. “Excepting the whole fact that I have to leave in a month, that is.” Dave frowned at that, and Elijah smiled sympathetically.

“Well, you can always visit each other. Rack up some frequent flyer miles, or try to find films shooting in similar locations.”

“Visiting, yes, but you know we can’t be that picky about films,” Dave pointed out. “I, at least, can’t afford to be picky.”

“He lies,” Dom joked. “What he isn’t telling you is that he already has several jobs lined up, whereas I have exactly zero.”

“Really? That’s awesome, man!”

“Thanks,” Dave replied, blushing. “It’s not much, mostly local. One with Hugo, actually, and a thriller that’s being shot in Melbourne. The only international one is with Joseph Fiennes, it’s being shot in Macedonia and in New York.”

“Well that’s something to be proud of! What about you, Sblomie? Are you going home to Manchester then?” Elijah asked.

“For the holidays, at least,” Dom agreed. “Then who knows? At least my brother’s in Australia, so I have that excuse to come back, and I will. And after that I’m not sure.”

“Well you’ve always got a place with me. Mom’s got a guest house that I usually stay in, two bedrooms, and you’re welcome to the second one.”

“Thanks, ‘Lijah. I’ll probably take you up on that at least once or twice.”

“Please do. Dave, too. The both of you are always welcome.”

Dave smiled and kissed Elijah on the cheek. “Much obliged to you, Elijah. Now shouldn’t you be off with that hunky boyfriend of yours on his birthday?”

Elijah rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I’m not coming within three feet of those fishy smells. He can cook them for dinner, that’s all well and good, but I’m happy over here with my hotdog.”

Dave laughed and Elijah excused himself to mingle a bit more. He had planned the party for Viggo’s birthday since it had basically been missed the year before, and Elijah insisted that Viggo take advantage of his birthday being practically in the summertime for once in his life. Lucky for him, Pete had been keen on the idea and helped reserve a private beach on a nearby lake for most of the cast and some of the crew to have a barbeque lunch, fish, swim, play beach volleyball, and just hang out. As their gift to Viggo, Dom and Billy had also managed to rent a motorboat and driver for the afternoon, so the more adventurous guests could water ski or go tubing.

Elijah rolled his eyes at Orlando, enthusiastically screaming his lungs out as he went flying across the lake on skis, and stepped over to the group watching him from the shore, which included Marton, Hugo, John Noble, and Miranda.

“That boy’s going to kill himself one day, and then I’m going to be the one crying over the pieces,” Marton muttered as Elijah appeared at his side. Elijah just laughed.

“Unlikely, man. He’s been doing shit like this for years.”

“Yeah, well. Only takes one bad fall.”

“Which he had, broke his back, and came out alive. Guy’s got good luck,” Elijah pointed out.

Marton shrugged. “Guess you’re right. So how’re things?”

“Not bad. What about with you? I noticed you’ve been sticking around Wellington a little more than you’re actually needed on set,” Elijah observed with a wink.

“Guilty as charged,” Marton agreed, holding up his hands as if in surrender. “Now that Orli has admitted he’d rather be official than just go in for a few shags, we’re both basically living at his place.”

“Well congratulations, then.”

“Thanks, mate.”

“Any idea what you’ll be doing after this mess is through?”

“Actually, I’m considering a move to your neck of the woods.”

“The States?”

“Los Angeles.”

“Awesome, man!”

“Yeah, I think it’s about time for me to try to crack Hollywood, if I possibly can.”

“Hey, I’m sure you’ll have no problem with the exposure this film is getting. Got any scripts yet?”

“Well, I’m still wrapping up commitments here, saving up some money. I’m doing a lot of television stuff here and in Australia, but I should be moving sometime next year and then my agent will be looking.”

“Orli’s going back to London though, right?”

“At first, yeah, and he’s spending part of the spring filming in Morocco for this film he’s accepted with all sorts of people… Ewan McGregor, Josh Hartnett, Jason Issacs… but he’s thinking of keeping at least an apartment in LA as well,” Marton admitted with a slight blush. Elijah grinned.

“That’s awesome, man! Party at your house!” he joked.

“Hey, I don’t want to be the one cleaning up… don’t you have a house?”

“Um, well, somehow ‘party at my mom’s’ doesn’t have the same ring to it.”

Marton grinned. “Not so much. You aren’t getting a place of your own?”

“Maybe in New York. I don’t really need one in LA. But Viggo spent a lot of time in New York and it’d be good for us to have a kind of base on the East Coast.”

“Wow. Pretty serious, huh?”

“Well, it’s been almost a year.”

“And that argument you guys had…?”

“Miscommunication. But it’s all patched up. I mean, even married couples have arguments, right?”

“Hell, more than most gay couples I know!” Marton replied, smiling widely. “Good for you, though. I’d better be getting a wedding invitation.”

Elijah laughed, shaking his head. “I doubt it, but I’ll let you know.”

“And do you know what’s next for you, career-wise?”

“I have no idea, but I’ve got tons of scripts coming in. I’ve been talking to my agent, you know, mostly just looking for something credible and not too hectic a filming schedule. I think one epic like this is enough for every decade.”

“No kidding. I don’t envy you, kid. Do you or Viggo ever even get a day off?”

“Rarely,” Elijah agreed with a grin as the boat puttered towards the shore, Orlando waddling out of the water in his skis. “Well, I’ll leave you Elves to it, then. Enjoy the party!”

“Thanks, mate!”

Elijah spotted Viggo, finally tired of fishing, heading over to the grill and putting together a big black bean burger with all the fixings. He grinned and headed in that direction, holding up his hands in warning.

“Don’t touch me until I’ve got a guarantee that your hands are no longer fishy or wormy, Ranger!”

Viggo grinned broadly, handed Sala his plate, and charged Elijah, who squealed and only got a few steps away before being hoisted in the air with both hands and thrown over Viggo’s shoulder, who quickly rubbed his hands all over Elijah.

“Ahh! Ewww! Put me down, filthy Human!” Elijah screamed, drawing attention from most of the gathered party.

“You are much too prissy for a hobbit, love. You should’ve been an Elf,” Viggo joked with a grin as he let Elijah slide to his feet, placing a messy kiss on his lips and transferring a bit of ketchup in the process.

“Tell me you washed your hands.”

“Rinsed them in the lake,” Viggo replied with a shrug.

Elijah shuddered and shook his head. “I guess that’s close enough.”

“Oh, come on. You don’t complain about the mess when it’s certain bodily fluids,” Viggo pointed out in a whisper, offering Elijah a bite of the reclaimed burger.

Elijah blushed and took a bite. “True, I guess. So are you having a good time?”

“Wonderful. Where are the presents?”

Elijah barked out a short laugh. “You sound like Orli. We’ll be getting to that soon, actually. Soon as everyone finishes their food.”

“Fair enough. What’d you get me? Stainless steel cockring?”

Elijah laughed and shook his head. “What, to use on me?”

“Who else?” Viggo asked with a playful grin. “You look pretty all trussed up and begging. It’s all I’m saying.”

“Well, you can have plenty of that,” Elijah rasped in Viggo’s ear, biting his lobe briefly. “Later. But I got you a nice family-friendly gift for now.”

“Aww, that’s no fun,” Viggo pouted, but Elijah knew he was just teasing as he slung an arm around Elijah’s waist.

“Well come on, let’s see if we can gather some people together.” Elijah led the way to a picnic table piled with wrapped boxes and then turned away from Viggo, cupping his hands to his mouth. “Yo, people! Presents!” he yelled.

Sure enough, it worked, and gradually a circle formed around Viggo and Elijah, seated on the grass. Viggo unwrapped a number of shirts, books, and CDs, until he got towards the bottom of the pile. From Dave and Dom, there was a nice set of oil paints, and from Pete and Fran a Maori charm to remember New Zealand by. Finally, there was only one gift left, which Elijah handed to him with a smile.

“Best for last, right baby?”

Elijah blushed and shook his head. “Dunno about that. Just open it.”

Viggo smiled and tore into the silver paper, his smile shifting into a wide grin when he saw the framed print, a painting done by his favourite local artist back in California.

“This is great, baby! Thank you,” Viggo exclaimed, grabbing Elijah and kissing him hard in front of everyone. There were the requisite whistles and catcalls, before Elijah pulled away blushing.

“Flip it over,” he whispered, and when Viggo did he saw the envelope, tucked under the wire loop at the back of the frame.

“What’s this?”

“Have a look inside,” Elijah suggested.

Viggo opened the envelope, sliding out two airline tickets and two smaller ones, reading the text and then staring at Elijah. “Are these…”

“A week in Argentina and a San Lorenzo game. I told my agent and yours, nothing at all allowed that week. So you’d better help me brush up on my Spanish.”

“Ahh!” Viggo howled, pushing Elijah to the ground and pouncing on top of him smothering his face with kisses. “I love you I love you I love you….”

“Eeek! Dom! Billy! Somebody rescue me from the crazy man!” Elijah called as Viggo retaliated with an all-out tickle war.

“Nah, too fun to watch,” Dom countered from the sidelines, and Elijah just rolled his eyes as Billy nodded in agreement.

“Hey, you know what this is?” Viggo asked in a whisper as the tickles tapered off and everyone else went back to ignoring them.

“What what is?”


“Your birthday?”

“Exactly a year since the day I started falling in love with you.”

Elijah stopped in his attempts to tickle Viggo back and stared, dumbfounded, at his lover. Viggo just smiled and nodded, and Elijah grinned and decided that a snog in the grass in front of everyone would be a brilliant idea. Why not, after all? The birthday boy could do whatever the hell he wanted, and Elijah didn’t object in the slightest.
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