Dec 19, 2005 22:32
hahahah, EVERYONE must read this...
taken from the Garden City High School website... under "principal's message"
December 16, 2005
Dear Parent(s):
This past weekend the high school hosted the annual WinterWonderland dance for our 11th and 12th grade students. It is at this time I wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our student leaders and Ms. Abrams, our Student Council advisor, in their efforts to present a beautiful evening for the students. The musical entertainment was exceptional, the decorations splendid, and the food was delicious. They all have my gratitude and thanks. Also, the chaperones and support staff for this event went above and beyond the call of duty. They also should be commended for their work.
Unfortunately, the efforts of many did not produce the overall results that we had hoped for. Beginning Saturday night, the administration has conducted interviews and investigations into the violations of our Code of Conduct. To our disappointment we have discovered that many of our students decided that alcohol consumption and WinterWonderland are synonymous (HAHAH). That night students chose to enter the dance after having consumed alcohol. In our research we have discovered that in many instances students brought alcohol into the limousines. Some of the alcohol was hidden in water bottles, soda bottles and cans, and in fruit punch.
As the week progressed, still more tales and accounts of student drinking (before the event, during the limo drive over, and after the dance) have still surfaced. Based on all the information gathered, it is apparent that a majority of our attendees did not abide by the established guidelines. Though we have already addressed some of the concerns and violations for that night, there is more work to be done.
A definitive course of action is necessary to confront the more widespread, serious concern of underage drinking. As a high school community, the following actions have already been taken:
1) Any identified and verified offenses of the Code of Conduct have and will continue to be addressed. Consequences for inappropriate actions will be implemented in an equitable and consistent manner.
2) The student body has been informed that all dances and social events not aligned with classroom instruction (Prom, Spring/Fling, Battle of the Bands, GO Assembly) have been placed on hold and are in jeopardy of being cancelled. The Student Council and Class Advisors have also been notified that no events for the 2006-07 school year can be planned at this time.
3) The Student Council has met with class advisors and administration to review the concerns stemming from WinterWonderland and any events associated with it. They have taken the initiative to work with the school administration in accessing the problems that are related to school dances. They have submitted proposals that are currently under review and consideration.
4) A meeting will convene of the Community Review Council. The focus of the group will be to examine the greater community concerns and how they relate to the high school culture. In addition, dialogue will take place that focuses on on what we can do as a school and community to ensure the events of this year's WinterWonderland are not repeated.
5) I will be conferring with the Garden City Police Department on any concerns regarding the the limousine companies.
Though the night of December 10th was not one of our proudest moments, I feel this provides us, as a community, the opportunity to address the important issues and take meaningful steps forward. Though poor decisions and actions were exercised that night, I still believe in the spirit and character of our students, their willingness to grow, and their desire to make Garden City High School a model for others to follow. This is the time to change.
I welcome any comments and suggestions that you may have. Please feel free to e-mail me at
Hank J. Hardy
HAHAHAHAH. ok, i'm done.