So I've had Gael on me mind now for some time...... Slowly I am turning, I'm telling you. I fell in love with the simpliest things. His Smile, his eyes, his blinks......*nods* His blinks. Check this out:
Oh, and....
Ok, so tech. This isn't a blink but its still a "WTF" face. Was going to do one more of him looking shy but I *had* To resist. Ooo, and thinking about resisting, how I could resist this....
Answer me this ONE question.....What color are his eyes there? If anyone says a shade-ish of blue, or anywhere close to blue I swear I will just kiss them hard and die happy.
Oh yeah, I also made this
icon for a Gael/Diego Icon place contest, but dunno how anyone feels about it.
Last but not least:
I have a weak spot for that little raft. And well, him "Mambo Tago"ing. That was no doubt the cutest thing I've seen in some while. *le sighs and updates* (Noticed I forgot totally about my life in this update??? lmao)