(no subject)

Mar 14, 2012 19:16

I just thought of a different way to think about the Hogwarts Houses. I was musing that "Brave" is a really super vague House trait; it's not like bravery precludes intelligence or hard work or ambition, in fact courage and ambition seem to go together perfectly. I was also trying to figure out where in the four Houses Katniss Everdeen would fit. This is what I came up with:

Your House is a way of measuring how far-reaching your thoughts are, or how idealistic you are, on what scale you seek to change the world -- all three ideas at once. Let me explain.

Slytherin: Your ambitions are small-scale. You're out for numero uno. Personal success is what drives you.
Hufflepuff: Looking at a larger picture. Hufflepuffs are going for social improvement, for justice because justice brings peace, for hard work because it improves communities. Hufflepuff ambition is "make sure everyone gets along fine."
Ravenclaw: Not so much of a community, but Ravneclaws' ideas are focused on the intellectual scale, on contributing to the score of knowledge. Seek out knowledge and enhance knowledge for its own sake -- but not really because it's going to improve anyone's life.
Gryffindor: Lofty ambitions. Gryffindors don't want everyone to get along fine, they want everyone to be the best self that they can possibly be. They're Don Quixote, all of them -- we're not going to improve our community, our lot in life, or some world of ideas: we're going to improve the entire world. Alternately, Gryffs think in terms of spiritual advancement rather than worldly.

In other news, I'm very stressed out and I'm sick. I'm looking forward to Spring Break and the upcoming Hunger Games film, and to being able to get everyone's act together so that the Literary Review can be published successfully.

reading, harry potter

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