(no subject)

Nov 09, 2011 14:37

I'm always working on my paper in the major, always afraid that I'm not getting enough work done, that I have nowhere to begin and don't know my subject matter that well. That's why the time that is not spent writing is spent reading.
Since I've decided to make Mind's Eye, Soul's Reflection part of my paper, I have to/get to reread it. Fortunately it's equally fascinating and driving the second time through. But I have to read fast!
I've also been trying to read "Shades," but that's intensely difficult because it's about Dora Tonks during Half-Blood Prince -- aka, it overlaps heavily with Ollivander in terms of subject matter. Fernwithy has such a wonderful grasp on worldbuilding, the dynamics between werewolves, what's going on in Dora's head, I feel inadequate beside her skills. Plus, of course, I really want to write Calliope into the story -- Tonks wasn't that completely heartbroken during HBP, she had a friend with her that was never seen! Maybe I won't be able to continue "Shades" until I finish Ollivander.
And, of course, "After the End," which I've never read before. Although Ginny's characterization bugged me at first, she appears to be getting better, and I am really enjoying A and Z's ideas for Post-Hogwarts careers for everyone (Ron as a bartender makes perfect sense.) I knew that there was a character called Rose in the story, and OC, and I've just met her, and I really like her - for some reason it really cheers me to find an OC who immediately strikes me as being as real and fleshed-out as any in canon.

Last night I discovered a really excellent Hunger Games fanfiction that I would favorite except... except for one section, one element of worldbuilding which I thought was absolutely, excessivly cruel and disturbing, even by Hunger Games standards. It's a terrific shame, because the rest of the story is top-notch and inspired, but somehow I can't bring myself to favorite the story for that one section. Flist, do you think that is reasonable? It's not a big deal, but I'm not sure how well I can really embrace a story that has such a disturbing element in it (and, naturally, I'll be happy to link it to anyone that asks. :p It's a one-shot.)

Also, have any of you read "If on a winter's night a traveler"? You should, because I am halfway through and it is AWESOME.

Also trying to pick out a class for Jan Term. I'm trying to choose between,
Japanese Ghost Stories
Drawing Workshop
Reading as Religion
Aaaaand... I had been thinking of "No Excuse" Cinema, simply because I'd thought it was going to be "Films that you have no excuse if you haven't seen. Let's sit around and watch movies." But I mentioned it to my dad, and he proceeded to reply with two paragraphs basically boiling down to "This will totally be a filmmaking class! I know your last filmmaking class at Whittier was a miserable experience (YES, DAD, YES IT WAS, WHY ARE YOU CONTINUING?) but you can totally dominate this class and trot out those wonderful scripts that I know you have written out somewhere, and you'll have a MARVELOUS time!" And I'm driven berserk by this because, again, it's my dad, he's SO OUT OF TOUCH and why does he have to believe in me so much? And try to live vicariously through me?
I have the weirdest angst.

So, Flist! What classes would you go for?


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