May 10th, 2010

May 10, 2010 16:34

And on a completely shallow note -- I am very proud of the six icons that I am now sporting. I changed up almost all my icons to make room for a summer batch, which consists of mostly new, but one old icon just for a fresh feeling (and a few twists on old themes.) I love being able to wear my own icons, and change them to match the seasons. And it's spring/summertime now! And they all match color-wise! Vaguely. I'm not as big into icon-making as in the olden days, but it's still fun.

... Basically, Icon Pimp. Check out my icons.

Also, next week is the release party for the Literary Review of Sigma Tau Delta, which will feature several works by yours truly, and y'know, I'm just a little proud of that. :D

And soon I will no longer be Herald, and that's a relief. It's been fun, certainly, but it'll be great to not have any duties. Whew!


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