(no subject)

Apr 07, 2007 21:14

Happy Easter, everyone! The last day of school was essentially cracking up in History and English with nervousness in French. Why? Because now I have to choose one of two impossible tasks for French class: Sing like Jacques Brel, or paint like Pierre-Auguste Renoir. (Or, okay, I could read Il Est Un Dragon Dans Mon Lit, but that's half in English. Doesn't count.)
Hm. Singing: ... I pretend I can sing. I think I've inherited my mom's unique characteristic, that when I start to sing, someone turns on the radio.
Painting: My paintings are acrylic. And are neo-expressionistic at best. And I don't have many cute little kids running around with hoops and baskets of fruit that I can paint. Nor a convenient lakeful of naked women. (...) That's Renoir for you.
Oh, and just a little iconsy-ness to break the monotony... one is a version of a Friends Only banner that I already made, which I decided to modify once my brother revealed that our monitor's resolution was apparently embarrassingly dark.  The other is a variant on what I think I'll use should I ever decide to go Friends-Only. I'll probably repost these one day with a proper icons post.

Wicked Friends Only, Take 2:

And Little Miss Sunshine Friends Only:

Feel free to take if you like, just credit me and comment here if you do. :-D Pretty much anyone reading this post is a friend of mine, I estimate, so everything's cool.
Hm... just looked at a fantastically pretty layout and now I want to design a beautiful springtime layout too.
Read The Eyre Affair. Was interminably boring at first, but really picked up towards the end. The Well of Lost Plots is really a much better, cleaner book. (Eyre Affair felt like exposition upon exposition without any real inciting incident. Even when the main villain shows up, he's just kind of incidental. "Oh, yes, I like flower arranging. And beating peasants.")
Julie has decided that her objective during Easter vacation is to catch me up on House episodes, namely  "Three Stories," while I catch her up on "Shakespeare in Love." Oh, speaking of which...
Quote of the week: Do you notice how I'm popping raisins the way that House pops Vicodin tablets? spoken to one who did not quite appreciate the stress that I am exhibiting.


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