Jan 28, 2007 20:11
So i have a list of things I need to do/resolve this week before I can rebuild
what is on that list is just for me to know
There is something about long drives that just happen to get the brain juices flowing. Maybe its that beautiful drive down the coast, passing by all those wonderful little beach towns... or some of the memories from the past, but it put me in this state of mind where i came to the conclusion that I just have to embrace everything that occurs in my life. The good. The bad. & The Ugly.
This whole growing up and gaining knowledge thing is actually pretty entertaining to me. Just when i think i know so much life comes at me full swing and leaves me to land on my boney ass. Basically life keeps me in check... takes my "I'm so smart" ego and tears it down a little bit. But hey I'm all for gaining knowledge... i think its a very underrated concept. So all I have to say from this is ... bring it on... I'm more than ready to fall over again and again just to gain a little bit more insight.
i love writing in this thing... its so theraputic