Mar 10, 2011 11:43
Very tired all the time so life in bullet points.
* Found out I'm deficient in iron and Vit D.
*Also discovered I could sunbathe nude here from mid November to mid May on every sunny day and NOT make a bit of Vit D because the shape and angle of the damn earth doesn't let the right light wave length reach these latitudes. Have to live south of Atlanta to have a chance of making Vit D on every sunny day. This summer make a point of being out in the sun for 20 min per day in tank top and shorts but no sunscreen to make enough Vit D and store it in fat to make it through the damn winter in this latitude. Tampa I wan to moved back to Tampa.
*So taking supplements - to eat more halibut, salmon, eggs, and raw mushrooms. As for the iron supplement eat more beef, red kidney beans, and spinach.
* I miss the post 9/11 days when the populace realized it wasn't Muslims that were the enemy but radicals that embraced harming people in the name of religion. Ya know like the KKK did at one time from the Christian front.
* Really when did Wisconsin become a dictatorship? Locking one party out of the chamber REALLY?!?
* Kiddo has finished up his year as state officer. Last night big award show he wore a tux we wore formal dress. Got an appreciation plaque from him. Now understand getting lost on stage Oscar style and having someone show you which way to go.
* There are times I feel sad about Kiddo going to college then there are times I think "I won't find a mess in my basement and upstairs when he's gone." Discovered a several loads of moldy dishes in his room. THAT'S gonna stop. YAY!
* Must grocery shop AGAIN. Been putting it off for too long. Kiddo coming home tonight must have large quantities of food in the house.