So, I think I've hit the urge to write again. Mind you, it's not the greatest writing, but taking approximately 5 hours writing a one-shot, I realized I missed writing. Where did my time ago? I remember five years ago (wow, I'm old), I said in one of my fics that I would try to write a fic a month. I realize how difficult a goal that is now
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I gotta say, if you were to write a BeelzeJeri fic I'd be on it in a flash and dying of the squee. Fanworks for that pairing are hard to come by and I ship it so hard~
Oo, there's definitely a few BxJ shippers out there. It's one of those pairings where they didn't have too much interaction in canon, but they kind of drastically impacted each other's story lines. There's just so much unresolved angst potential <3
I've only been looking on FF.Net and some random Youtube vids. If you know any more websites or fanworks, I would totally appreciate a link or two. ;)
I do have fanart planned and litele-one has written some sweet drabbles for them, plus there's this adorable lone piece of fanart from pixiv. Oo, and have you read A Gift From Within? It's borderline on the shipping and full of angst, but it focuses entirely on Impmon and Jeri.
I have to warn you though, the author literally stopped about one chapter short of a proper conclusion, so it's a bit open-ended D:
I think I seriously wrote the above line in caplocks!
I've reread her fic Apple Sauce every since I wrote my aforementioned post, and even reread it today! haha She has such an amazing capacity to convey so much emotion in a few small amount of words.
I'm definitely green with envy! haha
Well, if it's anything like Complexity and Passions (read it, such an awesome incomplete fic) then I'll get over the grief fast. When I clicked for chapter 2, I was secretly hoping the author finished it in chapter two rather than leaving a horrible wonderful cliffhanger. T_____T
AND OMG! This is the same japn fansite that has the wonderfully adorable Jou/Mimi pics I've been pining over for the longest! <3<3<3
You so rock.
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