Title: Afternoon Treat
Genre: General/Humor
Characters: Neji, Lee
Word count: 252
Rating: PG
I don't know why I wrote it, but I was inspired by a fanfic I read a little while ago. X3 That, and it's an honor of the Naruto episode that aired last night containing Team Gai.
A pink tongue slipped past parted cherry red lips as Lee carefully licked at the hard, red tip. Slowly and meticulously, he slid his tongue down from the tip to the bottom, licking at the white drips that he had momentarily forgotten. He traveled lower to the forgotten blue end. Giving it a soft lick, Lee frowned slightly, not being able to get to the end without the rest of it getting in the way. His flushed face brightened as an idea came to him.
Lee’s alabaster eyes glazed over in delight as he opened his mouth wider, pushing the treat deeper into his mouth. His tongue roamed around it, savoring the unique flavor as much as he could before slowly pulling it out, his teeth scraping it lightly as he pulled it out of his mouth with a small pop. He hummed softly as he licked his moist, red lips, savoring the tart taste before he began his all over again
Expressionless eyes widened as Lee continued to lick and suck shamelessly at the treat. The Hyuuga prodigy gulped softly, trying to control the blush that was threatening to appear on his pale face. Gripping the tabletop, Neji cursed himself for going along with this. Why was he here anyway?
Oh, Neji groaned mentally, it was because of Lee’s excessive pleading that he even bothered coming at all. Thankfully, -for his sanity- Lee stopped, realizing Neji was staring at him.
“Hey Neji, wanna try some of my popsicle? It’s really good.”