So the doctor I was having problems with told me on Friday that she was approving for me to return to work part time. This morning without notifying me of the change she spoke with my disability department and said I was cleared to go back full time. I called her up and she flat out denied it. When I asked her to call them and fix the misunderstanding she said, "I don't think I should have to get that involved."
Hahahaha right. I pay this bitch $100 an hour and she doesn't think she has to get involved.
I have been on the phone with her and my disability team all morning and I finally nagged her into agreeing to call them because they say that's the only way this can be sorted out. If she doesn't fix her mess I am going to call her all day every day until she does. She's fucked up so much shit for me but one thing I won't let her do is fuck up my job!
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