Feb 22, 2010 04:58
So I'm 23 years old now.
Anyway things are up in the air right now.
School's the same. However being at Loyola is just - I just don't feel like a student. I go to class, I talk to very few people, and then I head straight to work. But I like my job for the most part. I get paid well and I get along with most of my co-workers. That and management owes me so many favors - I get away with doing a lot of shit.
However - the lease to my apartment is up at the end of April - I'm not sure what to do just yet.
My roommate and I - we had our weird patch where we hated each other for the first like, six months (jeez) - we get along great now. Not sure what changed - but Thursday is our dinner night where we dress up and choose a restaurant to eat in the city and just talk. She's up for being roommates again - but no more living in the New Orleans CBD - two blocks away from Bourbon street. Hearing people shriek "Who Dat" at the top of their lungs at 2 am on a weekend night or blasting rap music at the highest volume setting is tiring. Not to mention the parking, oh god the parking.
I want to live in the Uptown district, preferably away from the University Area.
Midcity I'm not fond of, Marigny is not for me, Bywater is just a no, and I will kill myself if I have to live in Metairie.
Or I could just go somewhere on my own. I have a little money saved.
Go to Chicago and get a place - go to culinary school and just shop around my resume so I'll suffer through working 50+ hours a week making jack shit but learning a lot in a city I would love to live in.
That's been on my mind. Or New York City - or whatever, whatever.
I don't know. Maybe another year in New Orleans is just a smart move.
One of my "best" friends - which I guess we're really not that great of friends anymore - neglected to text or call me during my birthday - but called my roommate to find out if I was still hosting my birthday dinner (which I ended up canceling because I had to work). Kind of insulted, but also very not surprised - I'm not going to waste any more time being sad about that anymore. Unfortunately one of those girls that blows everyone off when she gets a new boyfriend.
I mean is it really that hard to make time for your friends and your boyfriend?
I don't think so. But good luck to her, I'm not wasting my time on that anymore.
Anyway - from working Saturday morning and night and then tonight - I made a total of 650 dollars.
These are the kind of days that waiting tables are not so bad. And these are the kind of days that remind me why I'm not fully devoted to being a cook. making two weeks cook's paycheck in two nights as a server? Yeah.