July Reading

Aug 06, 2016 19:32

July wasn't a great reading month, but it's Summer, there's so much other stuff to do in addition to reading.

76. Tiina Raevaara: Korppinaiset
Tämä romaani on itsenäinen jatko kirjalle Yö ei saa tulla. Päähenkilöt ovat samat, mutta tilanne on hyvin erilainen. Romaanissa käsitellään kuolemaa, kuoleman läheisyyttä, ja lintuja. Olen pitänyt näistä kummastakin romaanista todella paljon ja myös suositellut niitä sisarelleni.

77.- 78. Lois McMaster Bujold: "Penric's Demon" and "Penric and the Shaman"
Fun novellas set in Bujold's Chalion world. The first one was a reread, where young Penric gets his demon, and the second one has him seeing further adventures with a bit more experience under his belt.

79. Kelley Armstrong: City of the Lost
No part of Armstrong's urban fantasy series, this books is a crime/suspense novel set in an isolated town. The main character moves there to escape her past, but her new job as the town's deputy sheriff isn't that easy with a serial killer on the loose.

Still, not the best offering by the author.

80. Rose Fox & Daniel José Older (ed.): Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction From the Margins of History
Anthology with varying stories (as they all are), some better, some worse. I had a hard time getting into it, since none of the beginning stories grabbed me that much, but after a while, the stories got more interesting.

books, books16, reading

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