It really is Xmas in May! Today I received three Bookmooch books in mail (Patricia Finney's Firedrake's Eye and Unicorn's Blood, plus Steven Brust's The Book of Athyra), and there was also a notice that my T&T YesAsia package (with Takitsuba Clips DVD, 2wenty2wo & X-Dame/Crazy Rainbow CDs + Tree in Heaven DVD set) had arrived - just picked it up from the post office.
I also have two episodes of Proposal Daisakusen to watch (one subbed, one not), and if they go and release the subs for the third episode of The Liar Game today, as the subbing team has tentatively indicated that they will try to do, then I'll be well satisfied with my entertainment needs :). And there's the Hockey World Championships going on as well, even though Finland isn't playing today...
*goes off to watch Takitsuba Clips*
ETA: Almost forgot to mention that somebody has now created a Proposal Daisakusen community at LJ: