GoogleChrome is shiny. It is very shiny because it can open hotmail. (I can't open my hotmail using Safari.) So now you can send the
perfect_tales fics/art to my hotmail email add again. However, I don't think I'm going to abandon Safari. I don't like the look of GoogleChrome. Plus, I can't import my bookmarks from Safari to GoogleChrome. That is no fun. But at least I can use GoogleChrome when Safari is being screwy. NEVER MIND, I stick to Safari because, apparently, it already allows me to access my hotmail. BYAHAHAHA.
ANYWAY, I need sleep but I will still not get any. I am also impatiently awaiting my
christmas_cacti assignment.
Oh, and I will edit this later for the handwriting meme.
*slaps self to stay awake*
hakkai_sensei !!! :D
Hee. Got lazy to edit the image to make it presentable enough (my camera fails, the lighting in my room fails as well, I haven't had sleep yet and I used pencil). I don't think I should have done this meme after pulling an all-nighter. Oh well.
1. Name/LJ username
2. Left or right-handed?
3. Favorite letter
4. Least favorite letter
5. "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
6. Tag *counts* six people. (Six is such an odd number)