CWTS is such a bugger. But never mind that. I want to unstress and bounce off with a meme. Stolen from
nana_chibi. *bounce, bounce*
colour: blue!!!
spice: pepper?
scent: jasmine
ice-cream flavour: double-dutch
fruit: apple, melon
city: mm... Tokyo is a dream city. Or Seoul.
season: Rar. The rainy season? XD
time of day: 10pm (aren't i specific? it's when everything I need usually comes down to me)
flower: chrysanthemum
landscape: mountains (woot... especially when illuminated by sunset)
gemstone: hmm... opal
animal: rabbits/bunnies
bird of prey: raven
insect: butterfly~
sea creature: bottlenose dolphins
tree: mm... pine? woot.
cuisine: mostly Asian cuisine
dessert: cheesecake~
sport: basketball
number: 8
subject in school: either Chem or Microbio
way to spend an evening: sleep for more than 7 hours.... or have loooooong y!m convos
way to spend a day: write... read... write... write...
way to spend a date: I think I answered this before... something simple, so long as I do not need to do/say anything related to schoolwork... and nice and smooth convo
winter activity: no winter here... but i want to experience a snowball fight
spring activity: no spring either...
summer activity: going to the beach!!! woot! write... read... write... write...
autumn activity: no autumn either
style of music: ballads (yes... the emo songs)
genre of book: Fantasy/Romance
type of movie: emotional overhauls fantasy and romance as well
style of art: Rar. I don't know any specific art style... but there's this person (Benjie) whose art is just... *kowtows Benjie*
style of dress: hmm... not quite a dress person
cocktail: mm... not much of a drinker
memory: what memory? lol. high school days
board game: Scrabble
card game: mm... poker?
weather: overcast
religion: Roman Catholic
hobby: reading, writing, poking, writing...
mythological creature: phoenix
planet: Venus
historical period: hm... the Renaissance
body modification (includes hair dye, piercings, etc): ear
sleeping position: curled up and/or on my stomach and hugging pillow
swimming stroke: Freestyle
method of travel: train
word: woot!
quality in yourself: patiently demanding?
quality in someone else: fun to be with
decorating style: do posters count?
literary character: Mordion!!!
historical figure: Rosalind Franklin (it's with all the articles i've been reading lately)
myth (Greek, Native American, African, etc.): Roman
fairytale: Beauty and The Beast
girly thing to do: fanGIRLing ^_^
place to shop: hmm... Cinderella