Jun 19, 2010 16:52
Sorry, guys, I know I haven't been around LJ in a while. Well, been busy. Let's see... what happened since I last posted here?
Well, went to a much deserved vacation in Bicol. Was in some body of water nearly every day. I think I went to the beach 3 times,went to the river once, went to a lake once, and went to the hot springs once. That time we were on the lakeshore, well, my mom suddenly started walking the hiking trail around the lake. It was a long walk. It took an hour (on brisk walk). I don't know how much weight I lost. XD But I gained it right after, I'm sure, because for lunch we had the leftovers of the previous day's fiesta.
Back in Manila, I went job-hunting. Got a contractual job in Ateneo (job lasts till late November or early December) for minimum wage, but it's okay because it doesn't last long. And, believe it or not, it's not nearly as tedious as my undergraduate thesis - so far anyway because I ACTUALLY GET RESULTS. Maybe I'll start dying when I have to make polyacrylamide gels (mostly because I don't like the idea of making something out of a really, really dangerous chemical). So far, the only stress I get is from thinking where I should dispose this or that because they don't have definite rules for it.
And somewhere in between is me being Called (but, no, I'm not going to be a nun). I've been applying to be a lector for, say, nine months now. (Catholic lectors are the ones who read the, well, first and second readings in mass.) But I only officially started the application process a month ago. And I don't have duties yet. Mostly because although our ministry head wants to give me assignments on mass, the parish priest wants me to discern some more. I understand that. He doesn't want the kind of people who serve God just because they feel like it. He doesn't want the head to give me duties just because the parish needs more lectors. He wants people to serve God because they really are meant to serve God.
Anyway, at the moment, I'm the youngest lector. There are few middle-aged ladies and a lot of senior citizens. But I don't feel out of place. The ladies are so very amusing. We all eat a lot (that's important for me because ALL my friends love to eat). We laugh a lot. It's great. (We plan to go to BANAPPLE some time. Awesome cakes! [pun intended]) :3
And then they sort of forced me to attend an ordination (I say "sort of forced" because I didn't say "no" because I knew they would force me to go if I said no; and an ordination, by the way, is the ceremony when seminarians become priests. It's like being married to Christ.) I'm going to make a separate post for the ordination because... well, something. :3
Oh, and before all those things happened, I GRADUATED WITH HONORS! The "honors" bit was mm... somewhat a pleasant surprise.