There's something wrong with my body.

Feb 09, 2009 08:16

I know there's something wrong with me. But... really, my body is all wrong too.

So we had this amoeba race last Saturday. Someone accidentally stepped on my slippers. One of them (slippers) snapped and I tripped (the amoeba lysed... and the nucleus burst). I ended up having two giant scrapes on my knees and one small scrape on my foot. It wouldn't stop dripping blood last Saturday and people just couldn't stop looking at it because it looked like it was deep (but I swear it wasn't). And, well, probably because my blood was(is?) weird. It's bright red, almost pinkish because I washed the wounds with soap and water.

Two days later (which is today), the scrapes look weird. It scabbed, parts of it but it has parts that don't seem to want to heal. It's strange. It stings a little and I'm reminded of the discomfort of having wounds on both knees. Except for its odd appearance, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But because of that, I can't go to PE (I can't be expected to limp all the way to school and then do crunches and push-ups and jump into a pool of chlorinated water - if I did that, I don't think the wounds will have any chance of healing). And I think I need to go see a doctor to have it cleaned up. BUT. Today is when the practical exam finally pushes through. I'm hoping my teacher will be very considerate. If anything, if I take the exam today, I will fail because of the fact that I can't move my knees properly.

I think I should start taking capsules again, either ascorbic acid or ferrous sulfate to prevent this from happening again.

Hence, I shall comfort myself with the thought of Mars Bar as I finally saw it again last Saturday. *_*

And I shall do my sigsheet.
And I shall research for a topic proposal.
And I shall write fic.
And I shall study for 141.

It just never ends.


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