Mari Hawke and Knight Captain Cullen (sometime in 9:35, a bunch of months after they became a couple)
Mari stood naked, not far from the foot of her bed. She leaned back with her shoulders touching the wardrobe door, her arms crossed over her chest, right hand clasping the boney point of her left elbow. Midnight hair hung in thick clumps, still wet from the bath.Her weight centered over her left leg as her right foot tapped an agitated rhythm. Lips pursed, she sucked in her cheeks, accentuating the hard angle of her prominent cheekbones. She shifted her weight to her right leg and her left heel responded with a rapid staccato.
Mari Hawke was what an artist would create if limited to drawing lines. Every place where one would expect curves, she was the purposeful intersection of sharp strokes. Her long straight-waisted body made a picture of unwavering planes that met at hard angles.
Shifting her weight again, her toes tapped her annoyance as she stared at the bed. The blankets and top sheet were half pulled back in a rumpled pile, making a half moon outline around the space where Cullen sat.
Whatever the hell they argued about earlier no longer mattered to him.
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