Sept writing goals

Sep 04, 2012 18:27

AFAIC, September starts the new year where I live so I'm going to try something new.

I've never had success counting daily words written because it doesn't reflect my style of writing (writing is almost entirely rewriting). I'm going to try something new this month and perhaps for the whole year: counting words published.

What counts?
  • Posted fic - drabbles, short one-offs, and posted scene/chapter drafts  (I aim to post at least 5 fic posts per week on tumblr)
  • Essays, meta, and well thought out responses (a bit of a judgment call here as to what counts and what doesn't)
  • Fic I cannot yet post due to challenge restrictions (but it goes in a special category-- the waiting for publication category?)
What might count?
  • Final archived fic on AO3 - again, this is a bit of a judgment call based on how much editing/writing/rewriting I need to do before posting an archival version of a story. If I do no more than format 20 tumblr posts into a few chapters (maybe fixing a typo or two), I don't think I'll count it, or I'll only count it as "archived words." If I need to do significant work editing, rewriting, and adding new text, I'll .... I don't know what I'll do?! Maybe I'll just count it all as "archived words?"  Hm. TBD as the month moves onward.

== GOALS ==

Must do - top priority:
  • Finish writing and editing the 7000 word DA Kinkmeme story I wrote LAST FREAKING MARCH for a Cullen/Amell/Alistair prompt and post/archive.
  • Post 1-3 scenes/chapters per week of DA Kinkmeme story "A Necessary Arrangement" (Amaia Hawke/Cullen in an AU Kirkwall)
  • Post short story for aorin about Neria Surana's thoughts on other DAO characters
  • Post short story for nerdycookies about Neria Surana's thoughts about being an elf in the Circle
  • Work on my DABB Wave 2 story (post weekly progress updates?)
Other WIPs, muse dependent:
  •  Meta: finish my Day 6 Alistair essay (long long long) and post it
  • Meta: any of my many Cullen essays
  • Meta: any of my essays that are jazz riffs off of the 30 Days of DA Meme (30 Days of DA Redux)
  • Alistair's Epic: This Bird Has Flown
  • Cullen-in-Kirkwall Epic: A History of Lies (part of Postcards from Kirkwall)
  • Postcards from Kirkwall: Mari Hawke's responses to various memes and prompts; same for other characters (Merrill + Aveline especially)
  • Cerys Mahariel's Epic
Crossposted at

z: goals

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