I <3 College (and ELLIE!)

Oct 26, 2004 17:27

This past weekend we watched Lost in Translation, Girl With the Pearl Earring, and Shakespeare in Love. Do the math - that's two Scarlett Johanssons, two Colin Firths, two Tom Wilkinsons, and two pairs of pearl earrings (SiL features two characters wearing a single pearl earring), one HOT Joseph Fiennes, one funny Bill Murray, and one fucking amazing Geoffrey Rush. Whew.
We also went to an awesomely freaky and funny haunted corn maze.

Last night I grappled with my friend in martial arts (I'm going to learn Ju Jitsu?) and it was such an awesome rush to just move and push and pull and strain without any THOUGHT. My neck still hurts a bit because Madeleine got me in a choke hold and I had to tap out. But it was still fun.
Then we pulled my friend's mattress off her bed and all of our suitemates - including our R.A. - took turns sliding down the stairs on it. My friend and I even surfed down the stairs! It was the funnest thing evar.

Then today, oh glorious rainy day, I got a package from my dearest lover Elleanor! A myriad of letter formats, an amazing cd, a Neo Gel pen, a MoveOn pin, a We Love Caves bumper sticker, and a psuedo-p0rn spidey/Matrix comic strip of LOVE! *happy giddy sigh*
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