I just got this in my email;Hi everyone.
Vienna and Alex here.
We like making music together. If you've seen us playing on tour, or listened to Inland Territory, you can probably tell.
Because you've been asking for a long time, because you've said such nice things about our duo shows, because for some wonderful reason you still want to BUY recordings of these performances even though you can probably find them for free on the Internet somewhere...
We're making a live album. And we want you to be part of it.
Vienna Teng & Alex Wong
recorded live in concert
Thursday 3 Dec 2009
Joe's Pub
7:30pm & 9:30pm
Sunday 20 Dec 2009
The Independent
5:00pm & 8:00pm
$5 of each ticket will be donated to:
Food Bank for New York City
San Francisco Bay Area Food Banks
Third Street Music School
Up On Top After-School Program
We've got a limited number of special packages for the late NY show and early SF show only. They include:
* preferred seating at the concert
* limited-edition autographed poster
* souvenir laminated pass - your ticket
* soundcheck party & lunch (SF) / dessert & afterparty (NY)
Purchase a concert package now! General-admission tickets go on sale Friday, September 25 for Joe's Pub and Monday, September 28 for The Independent.
I hate that this is in December, oh my god. D: I would have coughed up the airfare for the NY one if I wasn't already swamped that month.