Title: Copy
Author: vienna80er
Pairing: Orlibean
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Done only for fun! All invented and in my imagination!
A/N: No beta. Mistakes are clearly my own, esp. the “tenses”.
Damn fucking piece of shit. He hated that bloody machine. Not three days after the nasty and sweaty technician/service guy who always tried to hit on him was here that piece of crap was acting up again. Getting on his knees Orlando opened the paper drawer of the copy machine and stuck one of his hands in trying to get the paper out that - according to the blinking display - was jammed in somewhere. Not reaching it he scooted back a bit and tried to get a look before putting his hand in again. This time getting a hold of the sheet of paper and carefully pulling it out.
Wanting to pick up his lover, it was five minutes after clock out after all, Sean came across the delicious sight of his boyfriend. On his knees. Sticking up his bum. Slightly wiggling it. Not one to withstand a temptation like this he reached out for a bit of groping.
Thirty minutes later they were proud owners of a nice set of copies. Who knew that Orlando and the copier would get along so well.