life was going so darn good.
i loved the mine. i loved the people at the mine. i loved being there. i loved being in the country. i loved getting paid enormous amounts to do jack all. i loved driving around the mine pit every day. i loved it. i want to go back :(
today was the last day, after 3 months and i cried. a lot. it was embarrassing. i couldn't make a speech because i was crying.
i drove around the pit one last time this avo.
i saw one last fucking cool explosion.
i gave all the presents out to people, which they seemed to like.
i cried more.
got some Coal&Allied merchandise.
cried a lot of the way home.
came home to this shithouse place. place which i hate. only thing keeping me here is uni and my dog. i hate that the only really fucking awesome thing i've done has come to an end and that's it, that part of my life is over and i wish it wasn't. i'm going to get some letters off to Rio Tinto, see if they can offer me an office job in the city. i hate office jobs but i'd love to work for Rio Tinto again and maybe secure a position in the business for later.
look at some of my photos :) don't skip them! they're fucking cool!!! KABOOM, explosions!! and me looking very small in comparsion to fucking huge equipment. :)
awww, shit, i'm crying now :( it really SUX that this is all over. SUX even more that i'm so emotional over leaving a place where i was only the vacation student. fucking hell i'm soft :(
in other news, i've finished 2 jobs in 1 week. i don't work at greater union any more. why? because the boss is a dickhead. and industrial relations is going to help me kick their ass.