On the way to work this morning I was listening to my usual radio show, Bob and Sheri. I enjoy their show, I find them to be pretty funny, though I don't always agree with what they are saying about current issues. This rant isn't really about the show itself, but an advertisement that aired (twice actually) during the show while I was listening.
The advertisement was for a TV movie, to air on A & E sometime in the next week. The movie is based of the events that are believed to have occured aboard the plane that crashed in a Pennsylvania (I believe, my facts may be wrong for lack of coffee) on 9/11. Listening to it, my heart nearly stopped. I had chills so bad my legs nearly went numb. Because part of the commercial is an actress playing a girl aboard the plane, evidently using a Cell phone and talking to her mother. The whole blip was maybe 3 seconds and was her saying "Hi Mom. Our Plane has been hijacked and I'm just calling to say goodbye." (that is slightly paraphrased as I can't remember the exact wording)
All I could think was "It's too soon." I'm not a political person, I don't know the ins and outs of the politics behind what happened that day, what might have happened that day, what the investigations may have found, any of that. This wasn't about politics. I know that nearly 5 years have passed and a lot of water has gone under the bridge in that time. I felt this way because of the people who had family on that plane that day. I couldn't imagine being that girls (the real girl) mother, driving down a road somewhere and have a voice speak the words that her daughter was believed to have spoken in her last moments of life, to her.
I didn't know anyone in the towers, or on any of the planes. The closest I came to having tragedy in regards to this personally is my sister was in the NJ airport the day before when there was a fire there and then she was in the air heading to Ireland during the actual attacks. I later met a friend in a online game that had friends who perished in the pentagon that day. I didn't know a soul in it, and yet I was saddened by this commercial, and the commercialism that I feel is being made of this event.
It's too soon, in my eyes. There are WW2 Vets who get upset still seeing video games and movies about what they went through, and that was over 60 years ago. It's only been 5 years, let the wounds heal a bit.