Mar 15, 2012 17:12
sometimes we just have to accept facts-- the truth
no matter how hard we try to deny things they just happen. they do and we can't do nothing about it.
as they come i shake them off.
after something,nothing is quite as the same as it used to be. nothing is constant except for change.
change is what most people are afraid of.
moving towns
sporting a new haircut
as if everything is new.
sometimes i think its really tiring to start over and over again. trying to change but still nothing has changed on the course of things you want to change so bad. oh, one thing's changed. you're not the same pperson anymore. maybe stronger, perhaps weaker, or wiser. it doesn't really matter, point is, you've changed.
when these happen to me, i let out a deep breath and close my eyes. sleep. slumber. try not to wake up. dead in my dreams. not wanting to wake up.
i grew tired of crying. grew tired of trying. grew tired of change.
ironically, everything seems to still remain despite the change. maybe because i haven't seen what i want to see. i haven't felt the feeling i want to feel. i haven't experienced the "change" i want.
change me so i can change into someone you don't want to change
make me all the things you want
mold me into someone new.
i just hope the when things change, memories change too. and that's a whole new topic.
wish i can distort everything with my thoughts and make everybody believe the things i want them to see, feel and live in.