Sep 23, 2005 01:07
The other day while I wile talking to Pop on the phone he was saying he could see the full moon. He asked if I could see it and I sadly and honestly answered no. He suggested looking out the window, leading me to say that even that would not help since I would only be able to see a sliver of the Manhattan sky. Even if strained my neck, still no moon. His reply was that really in choosing my next home I must consider if one can see the moon from there. If not, I ought to reconsider. True Pop. Believe me, I will. I will not make that mistake twice.
HOWEVER, I did see stars for only the second time since I've been in Manhattan. The first time was right after 9-11 and a friend of mine told me we could see them because NYC was then a no-fly zone, thus no jet fumes, thus stars. Don't know if that is true or not. But yesterday on a break from work I went on a walk at 3 in the morning down deserted 5th Avenue along central park east. There were stars. A whole sky of them. And a moon. I found myself trying to show Orion to my co-worker who has lived in the city for over 50 years and had no idea what I was pointing at. We were standing on the corner, I was pointing at the stars she was straing her eyes to see the belt, the sholders, the arrow over the projects across the street for about one minute then she nervously looked up and down the street and said we had to keep going because while I we were looking for stars were were looking like victims. Great. Just one more difference between me and a Newyorker.